Executive Summary of the consolidated Report of the Arab Countries Participating in the Cooperative Audit Task on Solid Waste Management and Recycling

Waste management is crucial for all countries around the world. It serves to find and effective and efficient system for mitigating any potential environmental risks resulting from the increasing amounts of different types of waste. The phenomenon of the increase in solid waste is spreading across some Arab countries and worldwide.

In 2017, the Executive Council of ARABOSAI mandated the participant Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to prepare a cooperative report on “Performance Assessment of Solid Waste Management”. The SAIs of Kuwait, Oman, Palestine and Sudan agreed to carry out a performance audit on the efficiency and effectiveness of government entities responsible for the management and recycling of the solid waste in an efficient and effective manner.

The purpose of the audit was:

  • To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholders with respect to their management of solid waste in the participant countries,
  • Verifying the effectiveness of waste treatment and recycling programmes, as well as assessing the impact of such programs on reducing the adverse effects of using improper methods in dealing with waste particularly hazardous waste,
  • Assessing how effective are the development projects pertaining to the solid waste management systems and the optimal utilization of waste constituents,
  • Assess the actions taken by the entities concerned with waste management in order to reduce solid waste products and ensure optimal disposal and recycling of wastes in an efficient and effective manner.

Different audit methodologies were adopted by the participating countries. SAI Sudan and SAI Oman assessed the role of auditees in the management of solid waste. For example, SAI Kuwait evaluated projects related to the management of solid waste and risk management assessment on stakeholders. The SAI of Oman performed a KPI assessment to evaluate operating companies.

The consolidated report was prepared under the supervision of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI).

Source: Kindly shared by ARABOSAI