Ibero-american Coordinated Audit on Sustainable Development Goal 5 Gender Equality - Preparedness of governments for the implementation of SDG 5 (Executive Summary)

In 2014, the first coordinated audit on gender equality and equity in OLACEFS began, with the participation of the SAIs of Chile, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. The XXVI General Assembly of OLACEFS, in 2016, approved the proposal of the Citizen Participation Working Group to carry out a new gender audit.

The audit was carried out in a coordinated manner and aimed to assess the preparedness of the national governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela and the local government of Bogotá, Colombia, to implement Sustainable Development Goal 5.

 The specific objectives defined were:

1. To verify that the governments assessed have taken action to adapt ODS 5 to the national context;

2. To verify that governments have identified and guaranteed the resources and capacities (means of implementation) necessary to achieve the goals of ODS 5; and

3. Verify that governments have established mechanisms to monitor, review and report on progress in implementing SDG 5 in their countries.

In order to meet the proposed objectives, a Gender Equality Governance Assessment Scale (ODS 5) was generated to guide the action of the audit teams, using a tool to measure effectiveness called the "Integrated Gender Index". The tool made it possible to assess whether governments' efforts are aligned and coordinated to provide comprehensive responses to the needs and priorities for achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

Based on the integrated gender index, it was concluded that at the level of Latin America and the Caribbean, considering the evaluation of the 3 axes for the 15 national governments, they have reached a degree of effectiveness of 65% in the preparation of the implementation of SDG5, gender equality, are in a development stage with respect to the adoption of processes and mechanisms, and identification of resources and capacities necessary to ensure the implementation of SDG5.

Source: https://www.olacefs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/REPORT-SDG-5.pdf

* The report is also available in spanish

** The report of the first gender audit is also available in this catalogue:  https://intosai-cooperativeaudits.org/catalog/report/auditora-coordinada-sobre-el-tema-de-equidad-de-gnero