Multilateral Audit on the Arctic States’ national authorities’ work with the Arctic Council
Report ID: 262

The SAIs of  Denmark, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, and the United States of America collaborated on a multilateral audit of national participation in the Arctic Council - an intergovernmental forum to promote cooperation on Arctic issues.

The multilateral audit, coordinated by SAI Norway and SAI Russia, was carried out in accordance with a strategic plan signed by the participating SAIs in October 2012 and was aimed to inform Arctic governance and enhance the usefulness of the Council in understanding and managing Arctic issues.

In addition to the national reports, the SAIs issued a memorandum  highlighting the results of a cooperative audit. The audits conducted by the five SAIs where they are similar in scope, and does not necessarily represent the views or conclusions of each SAI.

Key findings include the following:

  • Changes in the Arctic have elevated the importance of international cooperation in the Arctic
  • The Arctic Council has contributed to enhanced cooperation, governance and Scientific knowledge
  • The Council faces key challenges related to its organizational structure, establishing priorities, funding its work, and ensuring the effective implementation of voluntary recommendations adopted by member states
  • Indigenous groups make important contributions to the council, but face Challenges participating


AFROSAI-e _Collaborative Audit for Integrating Environmental Risks in an Audit at Local Government
Report ID: 263

During the 2015,  AFROSAI-E Governing Board and Technical Update Meetings, the role of SAIs in addressing critical environmental challenges through their day-day audit activities was discussed. They decided to design a simplistic way to use SAIs’ existing financial and human resources to identify possible areas of improvement supported by solution-driven  planning towards environmental focus and decide to conduct an Environmental Risk Project.

The SAIs of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Tanzania decided to participate in the program, which comprised, among others, the development of an e-learning programme, in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the execution of parallel audits and the development of a joint publication.

Find attached (in a merged file) the joint publication explaining the project methodology, as well as the  AUDIT REPORT ON MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE IN HUYE DISTRICT – 2016 preparared by SAI Ruanda, as a result of the audit conducted in the framework of the Project.
