Report ID: 285

En el marco de las actividades de la COMTEMA OLACEFS,, las EFS de: Perú y Colombia realizaron una auditoría coordinada a las Entidades Públicas de cada país encargadas de la ejecución del Plan Colombo - Peruano para el
Desarrollo Integral de la Cuenca del río Putumayo",

El objetivo de la auditoría fue evaluar la gestión ambiental de las entidades públicas de cada país, encargadas de la ejecución del Plan Colombo Peruano para el Desarrollo Integral de la Cuenca del Río Putumayo – PPCP y emitir pronunciamiento acerca de su efectividad en la promoción del desarrollo sostenible regional y en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las poblaciones peruanas y colombianas asentadas en el territorio.

La Auditoría Coordinada comprendió la evaluación selectiva de las instituciones públicas de cada país encargadas de la ejecución del Plan Colombo —Peruano, que surge como acuerdo Binacional, en el marco del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónico Colombo - Peruano, como una propuesta técnica encaminada a orientar acciones conjuntas que contribuyan al desarrollo sostenido y de conservación del medio ambiente y la biodiversidad de la región, así como a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población mediante la generación de actividades productivas y la adecuación de infraestructura física y social básica.

En tal sentido, en el Perú se auditó la gestión ambiental del instituto Nacional de Desarrollo - INADE a través del Proyecto Especial Desarrollo integral de la Cuenca del Río Putumayo - PEDICP, así como al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Perú. Por parte de Colombia, al Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas - SINCHI (entidad colombiana encargada de la ejecución del PPCP), la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sur de l Amazonía - Corpoamazonía y al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia.

La conclusión final del informe conjunto es que no existe mucha diferencia entre las realidades fronterizas de Perú y Colombia en el Putumayo, y que no obstante el tiempo de vigencia del Plan Colombo Peruano, aún es limitada la presencia del Estado en esa zona, situación que conlleva a una condición que surge como efecto de un problema estructural, en el que intervienen además de las variables ambientales las de orden social y económico, conjuntamente con la voluntad política que se puede designar para propender a la solución de la problemática.


Joint report on auditing the implementation of flood protection measures on transboundary waters of Ukraine and Republic of Poland
Report ID: 289

In accordance with the Joint Action Plan between the Supreme Audit Institutions of Ukraine and Poland for the years 2004-2005 and the implementation of the Working Plan of the EUROSAI Environmental Audit Working Group for the year 2005, the above-mentioned SAIs carried out an audit in parallel with the implementation of flood control measures in the border waters of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, countries between which there are international agreements for cooperation in the field of border water management.

The objective of the audit was to assess the implementation of protection measures in the Carpathian region by public authorities and local governments; as well as at the level of intra-state cooperation on transboundary waters. Based on the results of the audit of both SAIs, the joint report was prepared.


INTOSAI WGEA Coordinated audit of climate change
Report ID: 290

In June 2007, the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit embarked on a coordinated audit of climate change programs. The project involved 14 SAIs: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Indonesia, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

For this project, from 2007 to 2010, the SAIs cooperated in the design  and undertaking of national audits of their respective governments’ climate change programs and performance. Each SAI undertook one or more audits (in some cases, studies and reviews) in the fields of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and/or climate change adaptation to determine whether their governments were doing what they said they would do. As a result, a joint summary report—Coordinated International Audit on Climate Change: Key Implications for Governments and their Auditors was issued.

In addition, considering that the cooperative audit was the first of its kind for the WGEA and for several of the participating SAIs, as well as their diverse experience in auditing climate change programs, the mix of audit mandates, practices and ideas on how to audit such programs, a  Process Chronicle and Lessons Learned report was prepared by the SAI of Canada (Project Leader).

The purpose of the report is to capture the process used and the lessons learned in executing the coordinated international audit on climate change.

It is divided into three sections:

• a chronicle of the process used to plan and guide the project

• lessons learned from the perspectives of the individual participant

  • perspectives of the Project Leader


Audit Environnemental Conjoint sur l’Assèchement du Lac Tchad - Rapport d’Audit Conjoint
Report ID: 298

Dans le cadre du GTEA de l'AFROSAI, les institutions supérieures de contrôle (ISC) du Tchad, du Cameroun, du Niger et du Nigeria ont décidé de réaliser un audit environnemental coordonné du lac Tchad avec l'appui du GIZ.
L'objectif de l'audit environnemental coordonné du lac Tchad était
- Vérifier dans quelle mesure les pays riverains respectent les normes et les bonnes pratiques visant à améliorer la gestion et l'utilisation de l'eau et des ressources dans le bassin du lac Tchad ;
- Évaluer, au niveau des pays riverains, le processus de contrôle, de suivi et d'application des pratiques et des systèmes pour parvenir à une utilisation durable des ressources en eau dans la LCB
- Vérifier que le LCB remplit ses fonctions et responsabilités, notamment en ce qui concerne l'évaluation et le suivi des performances des Etats dans la mise en œuvre des mesures de contrôle des ressources en eau du bassin du lac Tchad.


Traduit avec 

Parallel audit on environmental protection and the sustainable use of transboundary waters of the Lake Peipus
Report ID: 306

The National Audit Office of the Republic of Estonia and the Court of Audit of the Russian Federation (hereinafter parties) conducted a parallel audit on environmental protection and the sustainable use of transboundary waters of the Lake Peipus

Lake Peipus is the 4th largest lake in Europe and the largest transboundary water body in the European Union. The lake is an important source of freshwater and it is also important because of its fish stocks, recreation areas and waterways. In addition, it is the habitat of many species, including migratory birds.

The status of Lake Peipus is influenced by the everyday activities of people living on the Estonian and Russian side of the catchment area, as well as activities related to agriculture, extraction of mineral resources, forest management and other economic activities.

The main problem is the lake’s eutrophication (nutrient saturation, especially of phosphorous and nitrogenous compounds), which causes changes in the lake’s ecosystem, reduces fish stocks, decreases the quality of water and in critical cases also encourages the spread of blue-green algae that emit poison which endangers the biota as well as the health of swimmers.

The audit was started based on the cooperation agreement concluded in 2010 between the National Audit Office of Estonia and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, according to which both states shall audit the factors influencing the status of Lake Peipus in their respective states.

The objective of the audit was to assess whether the measures implemented by the state have helped to reduce the pollution load of Lake Peipus and the achievement of the good status of the lake. Attention was especially paid to the inspection of activities influencing the pollution load of Lake Peipus (point source and diffuse pollution) as well as Estonian-Russian cooperation in this area.

The audit focused on the following main issues:

1. Is the quality of water in and the status of the ecosystem of Lake Peipus being assessed?

2. Are there any measures taken to reduce pollution in and to protect Lake Peipus?

3. Is supervision carried out over the conformity to environmental requirements of the sources of pollution in Lake Peipus?

4. Is the co-operation between Estonia and Russia contributing to the preservation and improvement of the status of Lake Peipus?

A Memorandum on the results of the parallel audit was issued by both SAIs. Each party prepared a report on the results of the parallel audit separately and independently. The parties based their parallel audit on the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions INTOSAI and Europe Supreme Audit Institutions EUROSAI standards and auditing principles.

The Memorandum is available in Estonian and Russian.