Report ID: 270

In 2006, the Supreme Audit Institutions  of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Poland and Ukraine conducted international coordinated audit on protection of the Bug River catchment area from pollution in 2006 (in hydrography of Belarus and Ukraine Bug River is called Western Bug River).

Given the importance and urgency of the issue of purity of the Bug River basin waters for people, living on its territory, as well as the necessity to implement the EU Water Framework Directive requirements, the SAIs of Poland and Ukraine in 2014 initiated an international coordinated audit on Protection of the Bug River Catchment Area from Pollution (follow-up audit), subsequently supported by the SAI of Belarus.

To carry out this audit in 2014 the participants agreed on a Common Position on co-operation for coordinated parallel audit , which defined the purpose, object and general matters of the audit, its scope and limitations, methodology, forms as well as cooperation and coordination procedures.

The purpose of the international coordinated follow-up audit was to assess the implementation of the SAIs’ recommendations, which were provided after previous audit, completed in 2006. Also it was supposed to analyze the activities of the responsible authorities of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine on addressing the issues, raised by the previous audit, namely:


Joint Report of the Paralllel Audit to the implementation of the NATURA 2000 NETWORK in Europe
Report ID: 271

Natura 2000 is an EU wide network of nature protection areas established under the 1992 Habitats Directive.

As stated in the European Commission strategy to protect Europe's most important wildlife areas, the aim of the network is to assure the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats. It comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) designated by Member States under the Habitats Directive, and Special Protection Areas (SPA) designated under the 1979 Birds Directive.

From february to october 2007, the SAIs of Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, and United Kingdom participated in the audit, coordinated by the French Cour des Comptes with the technical  assistance of the European Court of Auditors.

The scope of the audit on implementation of the European Natura 2000 network was to  examine whether and how the provisions of the European Directives, and especially Article 6 of the Habitats Directive, were observed in an effective and efficient way. The audit examined three key elements, namely compliance, governance and funding.



Joint Report on the Results of the Parallel Audit of Implementation of the Agreement on Transboundary Water Issues Signed by the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Ukraine
Report ID: 272

The SAIs of the Slovak Republic and Ukraine carried out the Parallel Audit of Implementation of the Agreement on Transboundary Water Issues signed by the Government of the Slovak Republic and the
Government of Ukraine.

The purpose of the audit was to verify and assess:

- implementation of the Agreement on Transboundary Water Issues signed by the Governments of the Slovak Republic and Ukraine;
- adherence to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.

The Joint Report includes the summary of the findings made on the Slovak and Ukrainian sides, as well as joint conclusions and recommendations concerning the issues of the water management development in the area of Slovak-Ukrainian transboundary waters.


Joint Final Report on II Audit of Implementation of Provisions of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area ( The Helsinki Convention) Pollution fron Ships in the Baltic Sea
Report ID: 273

In 2000, the SAIs of Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian and Sweden conducted a parallel audit of implementation of article 6 of the Helsinki Convention concerning pollution from land-based sources.

 2004, a second audit was  promoted by EUROSAI WGEA. and conducted by the Supreme Audit Institutions of  Denmark (coordinator), Estonia, Finland, The German Federal Court of Audit, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Russian Federation on preparedness to combat pollution from ships in the Baltic Sea.

The audit was aimed to assess whether the national authorities in the respective countries comply with the provisions of the Helsinki Conventions (articles 8, 13, 14,16 )  and it was performed as a performance and compliance audit.

Source: fileticket=coXnP9jDQso%3D&tabid=220&mid=617&language=ru-RU

Report ID: 285

En el marco de las actividades de la COMTEMA OLACEFS,, las EFS de: Perú y Colombia realizaron una auditoría coordinada a las Entidades Públicas de cada país encargadas de la ejecución del Plan Colombo - Peruano para el
Desarrollo Integral de la Cuenca del río Putumayo",

El objetivo de la auditoría fue evaluar la gestión ambiental de las entidades públicas de cada país, encargadas de la ejecución del Plan Colombo Peruano para el Desarrollo Integral de la Cuenca del Río Putumayo – PPCP y emitir pronunciamiento acerca de su efectividad en la promoción del desarrollo sostenible regional y en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las poblaciones peruanas y colombianas asentadas en el territorio.

La Auditoría Coordinada comprendió la evaluación selectiva de las instituciones públicas de cada país encargadas de la ejecución del Plan Colombo —Peruano, que surge como acuerdo Binacional, en el marco del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónico Colombo - Peruano, como una propuesta técnica encaminada a orientar acciones conjuntas que contribuyan al desarrollo sostenido y de conservación del medio ambiente y la biodiversidad de la región, así como a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población mediante la generación de actividades productivas y la adecuación de infraestructura física y social básica.

En tal sentido, en el Perú se auditó la gestión ambiental del instituto Nacional de Desarrollo - INADE a través del Proyecto Especial Desarrollo integral de la Cuenca del Río Putumayo - PEDICP, así como al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Perú. Por parte de Colombia, al Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas - SINCHI (entidad colombiana encargada de la ejecución del PPCP), la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sur de l Amazonía - Corpoamazonía y al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia.

La conclusión final del informe conjunto es que no existe mucha diferencia entre las realidades fronterizas de Perú y Colombia en el Putumayo, y que no obstante el tiempo de vigencia del Plan Colombo Peruano, aún es limitada la presencia del Estado en esa zona, situación que conlleva a una condición que surge como efecto de un problema estructural, en el que intervienen además de las variables ambientales las de orden social y económico, conjuntamente con la voluntad política que se puede designar para propender a la solución de la problemática.
