Auditoría Coordinada de Áreas Protegidas (1era edición)
Report ID: 226

Las Áreas Protegidas (AP) son creadas considerando las características naturales relevantes de los territorios, con límites geográficos definidos, y como respuesta a la necesidad de conservación de la biodiversidad.

Estas áreas son reconocidas por la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre Diversidad Biológica (CDB) como una estrategia global para la conservación de la biodiversidad. En este sentido, el compromiso internacional establece metas de protección de áreas terrestres y marinas que deben ser alcanzadas por medio de la implementación de sistemas de áreas protegidas ecológicamente representativas y manejadas efectivamente.

En dicho contexto, en el marco de las actividades de la  Comisión Técnica Especial de Medio Ambiente (COMTEMA) de la Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (OLACEFS), las Entidades de Fiscalización Superior (EFS) de  Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil (EFS Coordinadora) Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Paraguay (EFS Coordinadora), Perú y Venezuela realizaron una auditoría coordinada. Esta auditoría contó con el apoyo de la Cooperación Alemana GIZ.

La referida auditoría evaluó si las áreas protegidas terrestres de América Latina poseen las condiciones institucionales, normativas y operativas necesarias para alcanzar los objetivos para los cuales fueron creadas. Como parte de esta auditoría fue posible evaluar de manera estándar, 1120 áreas protegidas, lo que permitió elaborar un diagnóstico inédito de la política pública de conservación de la biodiversidad en la región.

Para analizar la gobernanza de las áreas protegidas el TCU creó el INDIMAPA, método de Evaluación de la Implementación y de la Gestión de Áreas Protegidas. Esta herramienta georreferenciada utiliza indicadores e índices los cuales son visualizados en mapas, además de permitir clasificar las áreas protegidas en tres rangos: rojo, amarillo y verde, correspondientes respectivamente al nivel bajo, mediano y alto de implementación de la gestión.

De esta manera, a partir de la auditoría coordinada, la sociedad y las Instituciones de Control podrán seguir la evolución en la administración del patrimonio público ambiental representado por las áreas protegidas.


* Este informe también está disponible en inglés en el catálogo.

Report of the Coordinated Pacific Region Performance Audit: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Management
Report ID: 238

The countries of the Pacific are among the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Rising sea levels, cyclones, tsunamis, food security, and coastal erosion are real and daily threats. Pacific governments also face challenges in recovering from natural disasters and extreme weather events.


In response to these threats and challenges, PASAI Auditors-General undertook a Cooperative Performance Audit on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies and management.


Ten SAIs from eight Pacific Island states participated in the audit: Cook Islands, Federated States of

Micronesia (FSM), the FSM State of Kosrae, the FSM State of Pohnpei, Fiji, Palau, Samoa, Tuvalu and two other Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). In line with the practice of previous regional overview reports, participating SAIs that have not yet released their audit reports are referred to anonymously — in this instance as PICT 1 and PICT 2.


Key findings

Audit findings from the eight published audit reports clustered around the following key performance themes:

governance arrangements, including legal and policy frameworks, mainstreaming, vulnerability assessments and strategy development, and coordination between responsible agencies

project implementation, including project-level governance—coordination and project management, financing and human resource capacity constraints

monitoring and reporting.

Multilateral Audit on the Arctic States’ national authorities’ work with the Arctic Council
Report ID: 262

The SAIs of  Denmark, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, and the United States of America collaborated on a multilateral audit of national participation in the Arctic Council - an intergovernmental forum to promote cooperation on Arctic issues.

The multilateral audit, coordinated by SAI Norway and SAI Russia, was carried out in accordance with a strategic plan signed by the participating SAIs in October 2012 and was aimed to inform Arctic governance and enhance the usefulness of the Council in understanding and managing Arctic issues.

In addition to the national reports, the SAIs issued a memorandum  highlighting the results of a cooperative audit. The audits conducted by the five SAIs where they are similar in scope, and does not necessarily represent the views or conclusions of each SAI.

Key findings include the following:

  • Changes in the Arctic have elevated the importance of international cooperation in the Arctic
  • The Arctic Council has contributed to enhanced cooperation, governance and Scientific knowledge
  • The Council faces key challenges related to its organizational structure, establishing priorities, funding its work, and ensuring the effective implementation of voluntary recommendations adopted by member states
  • Indigenous groups make important contributions to the council, but face Challenges participating


Audit of Disaster Risk Reduction
Report ID: 267

WIthin the framework of the activities of the former INTOSAI Working Group on Accountability for and the Audit of Disaster–related Aid (AADA), from 2011 to 2013 the SAIs of Azerbaijan, Chile, India, Indonesia, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Turkey (coordinator) and Ukraine carried out a coordinated audit.

The aim of the audit was  to provide inputs for the draft versions of ISSAI 5510 "Audit of Disaster Risk Reduction" and testing and improving its content.

The joint report presents the results of the international parallel/coordinated audit in two sections:

• In part I: Joint report and common conclusions of the international parallel/coordinated audit.

• In part II: Summaries of the national audits were given.


Coordinated Audit of Protected Areas (1st edition) - Executive Summary
Report ID: 311

Protected Areas (PA) are created considering the relevant natural characteristics of the territories, with defined geographical limits, and as a response to the need for biodiversity conservation. These areas are recognised by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as a global strategy for biodiversity conservation. In this sense, the international commitment establishes targets for the protection of terrestrial and marine areas that must be achieved through the implementation of ecologically representative and effectively managed systems of protected areas.

In this context, within the framework of the activities of the Special Technical Commission on the Environment(COMTEMA) of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil (Coordinating SAI), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay (Coordinating SAI), Peru and Venezuela carried out a coordinated audit. This audit was supported by the German Cooperation GIZ.

The audit assessed whether Latin America's terrestrial protected areas have the institutional, regulatory and operational conditions necessary to achieve the objectives for which they were created. As part of this audit it was possible to evaluate 1120 protected areas in a standardised manner, which made it possible to produce a unique diagnosis of public policy on biodiversity conservation in the region.

To analyse the governance of protected areas, SAI Brazil created INDIMAPA, a method for the Evaluation of the Implementation and Management of Protected Areas. This georeferenced tool uses indicators and indexes which are displayed on maps, in addition to allowing the classification of protected areas into three ranges: red, yellow and green, corresponding respectively to the low, medium and high level of management implementation.

In this way, based on the coordinated audit, the society and the Control Institutions will be able to follow the evolution in the administration of the environmental public patrimony represented by the protected areas.


*This report is also available in spanish in the catalogue.