Jamaica's Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Report ID: 445

Jamaica’s adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 reinforced the country’s commitment to the goals of its Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan (NDP) developed in 2009, which seeks to make Jamaica “the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business”. An assessment of Jamaica’s national planning documents by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) revealed that Vision 2030 Jamaica - NDP, the MediumTerm Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) and sectoral policies are 91.3 per cent aligned with the SDGs.

Review report of Jordanian Government's preparedness to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Report ID: 446

The scope of the review is the procedures taken by the Government in the following areas:

• Procedures and decisions regarding the political commitment and the consequent national responsibility in line with the SDGs.

• Procedures taken to raise awareness of the importance of the SDGs and to encourage dialogue with relevant parties, especially non-governmental parties.

• Procedures taken with regard to the distribution of responsibilities and duties related to the implementation of the SDGs at the ministerial level or any other relevant levels. As well as the procedures taken in the optimal distribution of financial, material and  resources, and the establishment of accountability arrangements for the implementation of these Goals

• Procedures and decisions taken to prepare plans for the implementation of the SDGs, which include defining the roles of the different parties involved, and determining how the goals and targets are to be implemented in a coherent and integrated manner.

• Procedures for designing and establishing systems for measuring and monitoring the implementation of the SDGs.

• Procedures taken by the Government in implementing the Sixth Goal on potable water and sanitation services.

Report ID: 448

The entire 2030 Agenda was selected for the audit. The performance audit assessed the actions put in place by the government since September 2015 regarding the preparedness for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The audit verified the actions at the national as well as local government level. The audit did not cover the analysis of the implementation of SDGs in the country. This audit focused mainly on the years from September 2015 to April 2018.

Performance Audit of Preparedness for implementation of Sustainable Development Goals - Micronesia
Report ID: 449

The audit assessed the extend to which the actions implemented by the FSM at the national level, since the endorsement of the 2030 Agenda in September 2015, are adequate to support preparedness for the achievement od the SDGs. Specifically, the audit assessed whether, besides being a signatory to the UN resolution, the SDGs were adopted and integrated in national long – term and short – term plans; and the institutional framework, resource allocation system, communication and engaging with stakeholders, as well as monitoring and reporting mechanisms were developed and were in place as at September 2018.

Report ID: 451

Esta auditoría tuvo como objetivo principal determinar si fue eficaz la inclusión de criterios de sostenibilidad (ambiental, social y económica) en los procesos de compra de papel bond en el sector Educación, en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2018 y agosto de 2021, en el marco de la meta 12.7 de los ODS “Promoción de prácticas de compras públicas que sean sostenibles, de conformidad con las políticas y prioridades nacionales” considerando aspectos de resiliencia.