Auditoría Coordinada sobre Gobernanza de Tecnologías de la Información - Resumen Ejecutivo
Report ID: 225

La gobernanza de TI es la parte de la gobernanza corporativa que busca asegurar que el uso de la TI agregue valor al negocio con riesgos aceptables. Con ese objetivo, la gobernanza de TI busca evitar o mitigar deficiencias en la gestión de una institución, tales como procesos de planificación inadecuados, presencia de proyectos de TI sin resultados y contrataciones de TI que no logran sus objetivos, reflejando en pérdida de calidad y eficiencia.

La Auditoría Coordinada sobre Gobernanza de TI se realizó en el marco de las actividades previstas en la meta estratégica 3 (Gestión del Conocimiento) del Plan Estratégico 2011-2015 de la OLACEFS. Dicha auditoría contó con la participación de las EFS de Bolivia, Brasil (Coordinadora), Chile, Costa Rica, Perú, Ecuador, el Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panamá y Paraguay; y el financiamiento del BID.     

El objetivo de la auditoría fue evaluar la situación de la gobernanza de la tecnología de la información (TI) en los países miembros de la OLACEFS, a partir de las auditorías realizadas en instituciones representativas de diversos segmentos de la Administración Pública de cada país participante.

La auditoría buscó obtener informaciones que permitan la elaboración de estrategias para elevar el nivel de madurez de gobernanza de TI y la diseminación de los conocimientos y técnicas utilizadas en los trabajos de campo realizados.

Como criterio de auditoría, además de la legislación aplicable de cada país, se adoptaron los controles previstos en la norma ISO/IEC 27002:2013, código de buenas prácticas para gestión de la seguridad de la información; en la norma ISO/IEC 27005:2008, que trata de gestión de riesgos de seguridad de la información; en la norma ISO/IEC 38500:2008 y en el Cobit 5 de la Isaca, que proveen modelos de buenas prácticas para gobernanza de la tecnología de la información.



Report ID: 318

The audit was conducted within the framework of the Public Works Audit Working Group (GTOP) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), through compliance audits, with the participation of the SAIs of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

The objective of the coordinated audit was to evaluate, through compliance reviews, the quality of road construction and maintenance works under the direct administration of government, covering from preliminary studies to the execution of the works.

Due to the participation of several countries in the audit, it was necessary to set crosscutting and common audit criteria for the audited object. The criteria that were evaluated were distributed according to the phase of the project: contracting of companies, design, execution of the works, oversight of the works, and changes in design after project contracting.

The evaluations carried out in the audits were based on guidelines that describe those practices whose observance was considered essential for good quality works. In planning the audit within its territory, each SAI took on the responsibility of identifying the legal and regulatory provisions adopted in their country related to the guidelines.


Implementation of the Rail Baltica Project Cooperative Audit
Report ID: 252

In 2014, the governments of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania established the Rail Baltica joint venture—an equally-shared endeavor ratified in a 2017 intergovernmental agreement. Rail Baltica, to be delivered by 2026, is the largest railway infrastructure project in the region and aims to integrate the Baltic States with the European railway network.

In 2016, the SAIs of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania signed a Memorandum of Understanding to monitor the development and implementation of this unique and unprecedented project.

The audit focused on project governance, internal control system operations, as well as long term financial resource availability. Because the audit was based on a forward-looking approach, the audit team looked to analyze particular conditions, such as assuring an effective, economic procurement and contract management framework was established, functioning and able to address any deficiencies found during the audit.

Fieldwork began in 2018, and the audit team, consisting of at least two auditors from each SAI, examined the audit questions and criteria and agreed on main conclusions, which became the audit report’s basis. A steering committee (one representative per SAI) was instituted to decide on any significant issues arising during the audit.

Each SAI separately performed a quality control check at the audit’s end but jointly drafted the final report, which was electronically signed by all Auditors General and simultaneously published in all three Baltic States.

The joint audit led to recommendations that will improve the Rail Baltica project’s governance, operations and financial planning, and the SAIs of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will continue the already established cooperation to jointly monitor audit recommendation implementation.


Report on the Coordinated Audit Tax and subsidy support for climate and energy policy in the Czech and Slovak Republics
Report ID: 296

On the basis of a Cooperation Agreement between the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic and the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic, both SAIs carried out a coordinated audit on tax and subsidy support for climate and energy policy in their respective countries.

The aim of the audits was to verify whether the support in the Czech and Slovak Republic is set up to contribute effectively to the fulfilment of objectives in selected areas of climate-energy policy while maintaining the long-term sustainability of public revenues. Selected areas were the transport sector and photovoltaic support.

 The theme of coordinated audits has been selected on the basis of the fact that both Member States, based on common European legislation, apply different support systems at national level in selected areas of climate and energy policy, aiming to meet the basic climate and energy objectives of the European Union  by 2020.

The EU has set ambitious climate-energy policy objectives, the successful enforcement of which includes a set of measures, including various financial instruments. Each EU Member State can choose its own procedures and tools to achieve the objectives. This gives space for comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of the instruments chosen between the individual countries. Based on the achieved indicator values, the Supreme Audit Institutions compared the quality parameters of the support and evaluated their impacts on the achievement of the EU and national targets. The coordinated audit of the SAO CR and the SAO SR again proves that both institutions attach great importance to international comparisons.

For comparison purposes, financial values and indicators were compared in euros. Amounts in Czech crowns were converted into euros at the exchange rate of the CNB as at 17 September 2019, i.e., according to the CNB € 1 = CZK 25.88.


Coordinated Audit on Information Technologies Governance – Executive Summary
Report ID: 316

IT governance is the part of corporate governance that seeks to ensure that the use of IT adds value to the business with acceptable risk. To that end, IT governance seeks to avoid or mitigate deficiencies in the management of an institution, such as inadequate planning processes, the presence of IT projects without results and IT contracts that do not achieve their objectives, reflecting in loss of quality and efficiency.

The Coordinated Audit on IT Governance was carried out in the framework of the activities foreseen in strategic goal 3 (Knowledge Management) of OLACEFS' Strategic Plan 2011-2015. This audit was carried out with the participation of the SAIs of Bolivia, Brazil (Coordinator), Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Paraguay; and with financing from the IDB.

The objective of the audit was to assess the situation of information technology (IT) governance in the OLACEFS member countries, based on the audits carried out in representative institutions of various segments of the public administration of each participating country. The audit sought to obtain information that would allow the development of strategies to raise the level of maturity of IT governance and the dissemination of the knowledge and techniques used in the field work carried out.

As an audit criterion, in addition to the applicable legislation of each country, the controls provided for in the ISO/IEC 27002:2013 standard, a code of good practice for information security management; in the ISO/IEC 27005:2008 standard, which deals with information security risk management; in the ISO/IEC 38500:2008 standard and in the Cobit 5 of Isaca, which provide models of good practice for information technology governance, were adopted.
