Report ID: 347

In Moscow, on 17 November 2010, the Republic of Slovenia and the Russian Federation signed a Declaration on Partnership for Modernisation. The Partnership Declaration is based on the Joint Statement of the European Union and the Russian Federation adopted at the European Union - Russian Federation Summit held on 31 May and 1 June 2010 in Rostow-on-Don.

At the signing of the Partnership Declaration, the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Slovenia also signed the Memorandum on important projects, in which they expressed their readiness to facilitate the stimulating and encouraging of mutual investments into the innovative technologies, creation and market promotion of modern competitive goods as well as confirmed their aspiration for the expansion of high value-added goods and high-technology products share in trade volume.

Upon the approval of the Programme of important projects, the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Slovenia placing the priority on the Programme implementation, agreed to conduct the further monitoring of its implementation on regular basis according to the effective legislation, which should contribute to the promotion of bilateral cooperation on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and reciprocity as well as to the realisation of individual projects within the framework of cooperation in the interest of modernisation

The grounds for the implementation of the parallel audit iwas the Agreement on parallel audit by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia signed by the two Supreme Audit Institutions  (SAIs) on 29 April 2013 in Moscow. The Agreement defines in detail the cooperation of the Supreme Audit Institutions in the implementation of the audit.

The purpose of the audit was to assess the status of economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Slovenia taking into consideration the fulfilling of the Programme for the implementation of the Memorandum on important projects for expansion of the bilateral economic cooperation.

Among others, the effectiveness of the achievement of the objectives of economic cooperation was assessed by both SAIs.


AuditorĂ­a Paralela sobre tendencias y desafĂ­os globales para la fuerza laboral 2030
Report ID: 412


Workforce 2030 - Challenges and Opportunities' se llevó a cabo como una auditoría paralela bajo los auspicios del Objetivo Estratégico 1 de EUROSAI - Apoyar auditorías efectivas, innovadoras y relevantes mediante la promoción y la intermediación de la cooperación profesional. La Oficina del Contralor del Estado y Defensor del Pueblo de Israel lideró el proyecto con las siguientes EFS participantes: Oficina Nacional de Auditoría de Bulgaria, Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo - ECA, Oficina Nacional de Auditoría de Finlandia, Tribunal de Cuentas de Italia, Oficina Estatal de Auditoría de la República de Macedonia del Norte, y la Junta de Auditoría e Inspección de la República de Corea (de ASOSAI).

El proyecto se planteó inicialmente en marzo de 2019, cuando se presentó en un taller durante la III Conferencia Conjunta EUROSAI ASOSAI, celebrada en Jerusalén (Israel). La cooperación en el proyecto incluyó una reunión inicial en Helsinki (Finlandia) en septiembre de 2019, una segunda reunión en Tel-Aviv (Israel) en enero de 2020 y una tercera reunión, realizada virtualmente y dirigida por la EFS de Bulgaria, en octubre de 2020. La EFS de Israel también había establecido una plataforma de colaboración en línea, donde las EFS participantes podían mantener debates y compartir información y materiales. Más de 150 archivos y enlaces se cargaron allí durante el proyecto.


Report on the Parallel Audit of the Performance of the Structural Funds programmes of the EU in the areas of employment and/or environment
Report ID: 416

In this report the Working Group submitted to the Contact Committee its key findings, good practices and recommendations on the Performance of the Structural Funds Programmes of the European Union in the Areas of Employment and/or Environment depending on Country Reports prepared as results of the parallel audits conducted by the participating SAIs. The findings of the audit are related to six key areas: 1) Planning of Measures and Selection of Projects; 2) Goal oriented application procedures; 3) Award procedures; 4) Monitoring and Reporting; 5) Evaluation; 6) Participation of the Monitoring Committees in the evaluation of earlier Structural Funds measures and in the planning of new Structural Funds measures.