Informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre la Unión Bancaria Europea al Comité de Contacto de las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores de la Unión Europea y el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo
Report ID: 411

A partir de 2008, Europa se vio afectada por una crisis financiera y una posterior crisis de deuda soberana. Muchos gobiernos apoyaron a instituciones financieras en quiebra con fondos públicos por valor de cientos de miles de millones de euros. En respuesta, los países de la zona del euro introdujeron la Unión Bancaria Europea, incluido un Mecanismo Único de Supervisión. En este Mecanismo, el Banco Central Europeo es directamente responsable de la supervisión prudencial de todas las 'Entidades Significativas'. Las Autoridades Nacionales Competentes son directamente responsables de la supervisión de las 'Instituciones Menos Significativas', en base a la orientación del Banco Central Europeo. 

Las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores de Austria, Chipre, Finlandia, Alemania y los Países Bajos llevaron a cabo una auditoría paralela para examinar la supervisión bancaria a nivel nacional


Costos de los controles de la gestión de los Fondos Estructurales
Report ID: 413

En este informe presentado al Comité de Contacto, el Grupo de Trabajo informa a los Estados miembros sobre los desafíos, los hallazgos clave y las recomendaciones que surgen de su auditoría paralela sobre los costos de los controles de la gestión de los Fondos Estructurales, incluido el uso de asistencia técnica para el control de Fondos Estructurales. La auditoría abarcó una amplia gama de programas operativos.


Parallel Audit on the processes for identifying, reporting and following up on Irregularities
Report ID: 414

In this report the Working Group submitted to the Contact Committee its key findings, good practices, weaknesses and recommendations on the processes in place for identifying, reporting and following up on irregularities depending on Country Reports prepared as results of the parallel audits conducted by the participating SAIs. The findings of the report are related to six key areas: 1) Guidance; 2) Identification and recording of potential irregularities; 3) Examination and decision-making on recorded irregularities; 4) Reporting to the Commission; 5) Follow up/investigation of the reported irregularities; 6) Financial Corrections.


Report on the Parallel Audit of the Performance of the Structural Funds programmes of the EU in the areas of employment and/or environment
Report ID: 416

In this report the Working Group submitted to the Contact Committee its key findings, good practices and recommendations on the Performance of the Structural Funds Programmes of the European Union in the Areas of Employment and/or Environment depending on Country Reports prepared as results of the parallel audits conducted by the participating SAIs. The findings of the audit are related to six key areas: 1) Planning of Measures and Selection of Projects; 2) Goal oriented application procedures; 3) Award procedures; 4) Monitoring and Reporting; 5) Evaluation; 6) Participation of the Monitoring Committees in the evaluation of earlier Structural Funds measures and in the planning of new Structural Funds measures.

Integrated Reporting in the European Public Sector: It’s time to act
Report ID: 421

The European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) and the European Confederation of Internal Audit Institutes (ECIIA) are working together to promote good governance, accountability and audit across the European public sector. As a result of this collaboration, we have been working on a common project to determine the extent to which Integrated Reporting has been, or is expected to be, adopted in the European Public Sector