Auditoría de Gestión al Sistema Nacional de Compras Públicas respecto a la meta "Incrementar la participación de la Economía Popular y Solidaria en el monto de la contratación pública"
Report ID: 433

La auditoría de gestión comprendió el análisis de las acciones realizadas por el Gobierno de la República del Ecuador para la implementación de la meta nacional "Incrementar la participación de la Economía Popular y Solidaria en el monto de la contratación pública" en el marco de la meta 12.7 del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 12 "Promover prácticas de adquisición pública que sean sostenibles, de conformidad con las políticas y prioridades nacionales" establecido en la Agenda 2030, considerando aspectos de resiliencia en la Secretaría Técnica Planifica Ecuador y entidades relacionadas por el período comprendido entre el 1 de septiembre de 2017 y el 30 de septiembre de 2020.

Performance Audit of Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
Report ID: 435

The audit team assessed the level of preparedness of the whole of the government for implementation of Agenda 2030 in the Slovak Republic by analyzing its performance and activities since September 2015. 

A whole government approach requires all ministries and government institutions to work in combination to achieve results that they cannot achieve when acting in isolation. The audit is a combination of system and result oriented approach. The audit evaluated the activities (and outcome of activities) of the respective departments at the audited entities, government council and working groups.

Performance Audit of Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals - Philippines
Report ID: 436

The audit covers the review of initiatives for the preparation of the Philippine Government to implement the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs from October 2015 to March 2018. A system-oriented approach or the examination of the proper functioning of management systems is adopted in combination with the result-oriented approach or assessment whether outcome or output objectives have been achieved as intended or programs and services are operating as intended. As SDGs are integrated and indivisible, their implementation requires a whole of government (WoG) approach. The WoG approach is characterized by outcomes-focused, boundary spanning, enabling and strengthening prevention. It seeks to enable government’s departments and agencies to achieve outcomes that cannot be achieved by working in isolation and to optimize these outcomes by using all the resources at the disposal of the government. Policy implementation goes beyond the remit of a single department or agency, thus, interventions cross agency lines to secure outcome from programs. Its approach to policy is seen as enabling government to address complex policy challenges, use knowledge and expertise within and outside government more effectively, and integrate levels of government in support of more efficient and effective service delivery.

Report ID: 437

The audit was conducted using the whole of government approach. The audit looked at the integration of the SDGs at the national planning level, the alignments of implementing agencies policies, budgets strategies to enable the implementation of the plan, and the monitoring of implementation of the national plan that will enable the achievement of the sustainable development goals.