Performance Audit of Preparedness for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals - Philippines
Report ID: 436

The audit covers the review of initiatives for the preparation of the Philippine Government to implement the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs from October 2015 to March 2018. A system-oriented approach or the examination of the proper functioning of management systems is adopted in combination with the result-oriented approach or assessment whether outcome or output objectives have been achieved as intended or programs and services are operating as intended. As SDGs are integrated and indivisible, their implementation requires a whole of government (WoG) approach. The WoG approach is characterized by outcomes-focused, boundary spanning, enabling and strengthening prevention. It seeks to enable government’s departments and agencies to achieve outcomes that cannot be achieved by working in isolation and to optimize these outcomes by using all the resources at the disposal of the government. Policy implementation goes beyond the remit of a single department or agency, thus, interventions cross agency lines to secure outcome from programs. Its approach to policy is seen as enabling government to address complex policy challenges, use knowledge and expertise within and outside government more effectively, and integrate levels of government in support of more efficient and effective service delivery.

Report ID: 437

The audit was conducted using the whole of government approach. The audit looked at the integration of the SDGs at the national planning level, the alignments of implementing agencies policies, budgets strategies to enable the implementation of the plan, and the monitoring of implementation of the national plan that will enable the achievement of the sustainable development goals.


Report ID: 441

Audit on SDGs implementation preparedness looks at government efforts relating to central government planning and budgeting processes, as well as data measurement design. The audit covers the Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Finance, and Statistics Indonesia. The audit was conducted at the national and subnational levels to assess horizontal and vertical coherence. The time scope of the audit was the government activities from January 2016 to the first semester of 2018.

The Report of Auditing the Iraqi government`s preparedness for sustainable development goals "FINAL REPORT" ยด- Iraq
Report ID: 442

Based on the Board mission and vision mentioned in FBSA strategy (2018-2022) to implement reliable audits according to ISSAIs to represent valuable contributions to build effective institutions responding to sustainable development goals, in order to make a difference in the lives of citizens. According to the Iraqi government`s directions to adopt sustainable development goals in annual work plans of all ministries, governorates and non-ministerial entities, it is decided that the Board reviews of Iraqi government`s preparedness for sustainable development goals .This is made through a plan that focuses on reviewing steps and procedures conducted by Iraqi government in achieving sustainable development goals (2015-2030).