Joint Report on the Results of the Parallel Performance Audit – Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis 2021
Report ID: 383

Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous and widespread infectious diseases worldwide.1 Ac­cording to the World Health Organization (WHO) data of 2018, about 10 million people worldwide were infected with tuberculosis, of which 1.5 million died. The fight against tuberculosis is a challenge for humanity. This disease mostly affects low-income vulnerable groups and increases inequality in society. Therefore, the fight against tuberculosis is one of the important components of the sustainable development goals.

Along with other United Nations countries, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine share the SDG objectives, includ­ing eradication of Tuberculosis by 2030 and considering, among others, that the prevalence of tuberculosis in these countries is still high compared to many European coun­tries and the significant potential for improvement, the SAIs of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine decided to carry out a cooperative audit on this topic. The framework for their cooperation was  the “Common position paper concern­ing the cooperation”, signed in Kyiv October, 2019.

The audit placed a particular emphasis on auditing government policies and measures to imple­ment the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3- Health and Well-being, related with early detection and preventive measures of TB; as well as proper treatment of TB infected patients.

This international parallel audit was carried out as part of the activities of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Econom­ic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supported via the EaPRF – Project “Strengthening the capacity of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) in the Eastern Partnership countries to monitor the achievement of Agenda 2030 objectives.” The project was aimed to strengthen the capacities of SAIs of the Eastern Partnership coun­tries in the application of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) for Per­formance Auditing and implement the parallel performance audit on Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis.

The project created opportunities for participants to share different experiences and practices through-out the audit process as well as offered blended (trainings, workshops, online conferences) learning formats for participant SAIs on performance audit practices.


Coordinated Audit For Assessment of the Infrastructure of Fundamental Education Public Schools
Report ID: 384

The  Court of Accounts of Brazil, with the participation of nineteen (19) Subnational Courts of Audit and eight (8) TCU external control secretariats in the states, conducted a coordinated audit, the objective of which was to assess the quality and availability of facilities and equipment in public basic education schools. They examined, in the period 2011-2015, the resources of the Money Direct at School Programme (PDDE) and the Articulated Action Plan (PAR-infrastructure), as well as the administrative controls for these programmes, also rating the information provided by the schools visited to the 2014 Basic Education School Census.

They visited 679 public schools in the different regions of the country. By means of a methodology for the Calculation of the Weighted Score of the Schools, the index “Average Score of the School Infrastructure was created”, which classifies the infrastructure of the schools as good, acceptable, bad or precarious, taking into account both the availability and the conservation of the facilities. When grouping the scores of the schools visited per geographical region, it was observed that the majority of the schools classified as precarious and bad is located in the North and Northeast of the country. So far as the location within the same state is concerned, it was observed that the majority of the schools of the capital cities enjoy a better situation, with lower incidence of schools being classified as precarious and a higher number of schools in an acceptable situation.


**El informe aparece como parte del Acuerdo Plenario 1007/2016-TCU-Plenário



Coordinated Audit of the Brazilian Penitentiary System 2017
Report ID: 385

Although prison management is the main function of the federated states in Brazil, taking into account the balance of the National Penitentiary Fund and in order to examine the most relevant aspects of the operational management and infrastructure of prisons in Brazil,  the Court of Audit of the Union of Brazil, together with 22 Courts of Audit, and the support of the Association of Members of the Courts of Audit (Atricon), the Rui Barbosa Institute (IRB) and the National Council of Attorneys General (CNPGC), conducted a coordinated audit on this topic.

The audit addressed issues related to the emergency measures taken to address the recent rebellions (January / 2017) that occurred in several Brazilian criminal court establishments, the electronic system of monitoring the execution of sentences, the adequacy of the allocation of prisoners, the provision of services to those in need by the Public Defender's Office and the monthly cost of the prisoner. 

The following questions were addressed in the audit:

(a) Are the strategies adopted by the Union and the states / FD sufficient or adequate to prevent or contain rebellions in prisons?

b) Is the monitoring of the execution of sentences in accordance with the provisions of Law 12.714 / 2012?

c) Does the allocation of inmates in penitentiary establishments comply with the provisions of articles 82, §1, 84, 85, 87, 91, 93 and 102 of the LEP?

d) Does the Public Defender's Office provide a full and free service inside and outside prisons in accordance with articles 16, 81-A and 81-B of the LEP?

e) To what extent do the managers responsible for the management and implementation of public policies aimed at the penitentiary system know the monthly cost of each inmate in order to evaluate the management of the system?

The study covered the Federal District and 17 other states: Acre, Amazonas, Bahia, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraíba, Piauí, Paraná, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, Roraima, Rio Grande do Sul. Sergipe, Tocantins.

The audit found, among others, that 59% of the 17 states inspected had not calculated the monthly cost of the prisoner in the last three years. Also with data from the last three years, no state analysed sent the monthly cost of the inmate to the National Penitentiary Department (Depen). Although the National Council of Penal and Penitentiary Policy (CNPCP) has established parameters for the calculation of this cost, 83% of the respondents do not follow these criteria.

Another fact that stands out is the fact that 11 out of the 18 units of the federation (UF), including the Federal District, therefore 61%, faced some kind of rebellion between October 2016 and May 2017. It was also verified that the majority of rebellions during this period took place in establishments with a shortage of space: 18 of the 23 penitentiary units that had a record of rebellions. In other words, 78% of the cases of rebellion took place in overcrowded prisons.


** The summary of the audit is part of Ruling 2643/2017 - TCU Plenary (Process: 003.673 / 2017-0).

Report ID: 387

In view of the difficulties that many audit courts would have in maintaining an audit team focused exclusively on auditing prisons that started in 2017, for two years; it was decided to resize the work to address it entirely in two stages. (The Stage 1 report is available at:

In the first stage, the topics 'electronic system for monitoring the execution of sentences', 'allocation of prisoners' and 'monthly prisoner cost' were addressed. In the second stage it was decided to deepen the analysis of mandatory fund-by-fund transfers, the governance of the prison system (integration and coordination) and the implementation of electronic monitoring systems.

The questions addressed in this second phase of the audit were:

1) Is the control exercised over the resources of the National Penitentiary Fund (Funpen) transferred to the State and Federal District funds in compliance with the requirements established by Complementary Law 79/1994 and by the rules issued by the National Penitentiary Department?

2) Is the technological resource of the electronic monitoring solution adequately implemented and available in the states and the Federal District?

3) Does the governance structure of the public policy of the penitentiary system adhere to the "coordination" and "institutionalisation" components?

4) Does the audit of the penitentiary system carried out by the criminal enforcement bodies comply with the objectives established by the Criminal Enforcement Law?

The participants in the coordinated audit were 22 courts of accounts, namely: Court of Accounts of the Federal District, the Municipalities of the State of Pará, State of Bahia, States of Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Amapá, Bahia, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Paraíba, Piauí, Paraná, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia, Roraima, Sergipe, and Tocantins.

Source: ,

Auditoría Coordinada sobre Obras Viales - Resumen Ejecutivo
Report ID: 388

El documento consolida los principales resultados y oportunidades de mejora identificadas en la Auditoría Coordinada sobre Obras Viales realizada en el marco del Grupo de Trabajo de Auditoría de Obras Públicas (GTOP) de la Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (OLACEFS). Esta auditoría se realizó con el propósito de evaluar, por medio de auditorías de cumplimiento, la calidad de obras viales de construcción y mantenimiento de once países: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Paraguay, Perú y República Dominicana.

La auditoría coordinada tuvo como objetivo evaluar, por medio de revisiones de cumplimiento, la calidad de las obras viales de construcción y mantenimiento bajo la administración directa del gobierno, abarcando desde los estudios preliminares hasta la ejecución de la obra. Debido de la participación de diversos países en la auditoría, fue necesario emplear criterios de auditoría que fueran transversales y comunes al objeto auditado. Además, se observó que la legislación y las normas técnicas aplicables
a las obras viales en los diversos países, aun cuando tienen muchas similitudes entre ellas, también son ricas en diferencias.

El informe consolidado completo también está disponible en:
