Report ID: 389

  • Esta auditoría se suma a las otras dos importantes inspecciones sobre el sistema penitenciario brasileño, examinado por las sentencias 2.643/2017 (TC 003.673/2017-0) y 972/2018 (TC 026.096/2017-0), del Pleno, en los que se trató específicamente las etapas 1 y 2 de auditoría coordinada con los tribunales de cuentas municipales y estatales, respectivamente.
  • Se realizó una auditoría integrada, en las modalidades operativa y de cumplimiento, cuyo objetivo fue evaluar la regularidad y el desempeño de las transferencias obligatorias de recursos del Fondo Nacional Penitenciario (Funpen) a los estados y al Distrito Federal, para verificar en qué medida estas transferencias de recursos han respondido a las necesidades estructurales del sistema penitenciario nacional sistema penitenciario nacional, así como destacar los principales obstáculos para el éxito de la política pública.
  • La selección de las Unidades Federales auditadas se basó en la adhesión de las secretarías del TCU en los estados a la fiscalización centralizada, realizada bajo la coordinación de SecexDefesa. Diez unidades técnicas del TCU participaron en los trabajos en los estados de Bahía, Ceará, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Pernambuco, Piauí, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul y Santa Catarina. SecexDefense, además de consolidar las conclusiones de la auditoría en un único informe, realizó una auditoría piloto en el estado de Goiás, UF elegida por el alto nivel de ejecución financiera de los recursos de Funpen. Recursos de Funpen. Secex-Defensa también aplicó los procedimientos de auditoría en el Distrito Federal, lo que hace un total de 12 UF.
  • Se abordaron tres preguntas de auditoría, sub divididas en sub preguntas:
  • ¿ El sistema de transferencias obligatoria de recursos de FUNPEN es sostenible desde el punto de vista presupuestario y está diseñado para cumplir con los principios de eficiencia y eficacia?
  • ¿Los Procedimientos adoptados por el Departamento Nacional Penitenciario (DEPEN) – organismo vinculado al Ministerio de Justicia y Seguridad Pública (MJSP) y por las Unidades de la Federación (UF) en el ámbito de los traslados obligatorios de la fUNPEN son suficientes y adecuados para asegurar la aplicación regular de los recursos?
  • ¿El uso de los recursos de FUNPEN en la modalidad de fondo a fondo cumple con la legislación de licitaciones y contratos y con las regulaciones del Depen?


Coordinated Audit on “Transboundary movements of waste in the light of the Basel Convention provisions” by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Poland, Slovak Republic and Ukraine (2nd Edition)
Report ID: 390

The European Union has incorporated the Basel Convention into the Waste Shipment Regulation. It applies automatically and uniformly in the Member States of the European Union without the need for transposition into national law. The regulation is binding to all Member States in its entirety.

In  2007, the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia carried out a cooperative audit on transboundary movement of waste between their countries on compliance of international obligations in the management of hazardous waste across the borders of their states.

Taking into consideration some changes in the provision and in order to assess the state of implementation of recommendations included in the first audit, as well as assessing the scope of compliance with the provisions of the “Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal”, the SAIs of Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine agreed to re-conduct the joint international audit within the activities of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes.

The Coordinator of the audit was the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Poland. Period covered by the audit 2015 – 2019 Audits were conducted in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine in the second half of 2019.

The audit objective was to assess the reliability and effectiveness of activities carried out by authorities responsible for transboundary movements of wastes, including within the international cooperation, in particular: y national authorities competent for auditing procedures applied in transboundary movements of wastes; y national environmental protection authorities competent for auditing entities that dispatch or receive wastes from other countries; y national authorities, in particular border authorities, customs services etc., in the scope of auditing the compliance of the notified type of wastes with the actual content of cargo transported across the border.


The report of the first edition of the audit is available at:

The national report issued by SAI Slovakia on this second audit is available at:

Managing interventions in case of sudden pollution in the Adriatic sea – International Parallel Audit
Report ID: 391

From November 2019 until June 2021, the Supreme Audit Institutions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia conducted an international parallel audit on managing interventions in case of sudden pollution in the Adriatic Sea.

As a result, the SAIs signed a Joint statement addressing the urgency to adopt measures aimed at strengthening prevention and management response systems in the case of marine pollution. The environmental risk requires cross-border cooperation for emergency management to be implemented through the adoption of a common emergency response plan for all the States bordering the Adriatic Sea and the organisation of joint exercise programs.

The document is a compendium of short summaries of individual audit reports published by contributing SAIs. Full audit reports and other materials of each individual SAI can be found by following the links provided after each short summary.


Public Procurement in Western Balkans Synthesis Report on the Parallel Performance Audit
Report ID: 392

The Joint Working Group on Audit Activities (JWGAA) was established in 2002 with a mandate to contribute to maintaining the working links and cooperation between the SAIs in the Contact Committee and the Presidents’ Network (candidate and potential candidate countries). The main goal of the group’s activities is to facilitate cooperation between the current and future member SAIs, to provide support and to help exchange experience in the process of institutional development, transition and negotiation on EU accession Chapter 32 (the ability to assume the obligations of membership in the area of financial control).

The Parallel Performance Audit (PPA) project under the umbrella of the JWGAA was initiated in 2014 (as PPA 1), when the member SAIs received training and coaching on performance audit practice. Based on experiences from this pilot project, a PPA 2 project was launched in 2016, to conduct a PPA of Public Procurement, an area generally susceptible to fraud and corruption, and as such, it is often the focus of attention from the general public.

From April 2016 to September 2017, the SAIs of Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia, supported by the ECA and the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO), which co-chairs the JWGAA, conducted a parallel audit aimed to identify system problems related to public procurement, and suggesting possible ways in which these problems can be tackled by their respective governments.

The audit environment of the six SAIs is characterized by a common historical heritage and a similar bureaucratic culture, a transition process, and ongoing reforms on the way to EU integration. The report presents a synthesis of general findings and conclusions from the parallel audit as well as how this cooperation process was developed.


The results of inspection of utilization effectiveness of state funds allocated for consequences elimination of emergencies
Report ID: 394

The tendency towards the increase of number of emergencies and events, which injure people, damage territories and yield losses to economies, has predetermined the urgency of the issue of providing anthropogenic and ecological safety for societies and territories. Underestimation of harmful factors, as well ass absence of timely compulsory measures is the reason for disastrous consequences, which could have been avoided. This means that health and lives of millions of humans depend on the way functioning of the state general system for prevention and response to disasters and catastrophes is ensured.

During the XIX INTOSAI Congress in Mexico City, the heads of the SAIs of Ukraine and Kazakhstan signed an agreement in order to continue bilateral collaboration that comprised an activity plan for 2008 – 2009. The plan stipulated that both SAIs shall conduct parallel inspections of planning, disbursement and utilization effectiveness of state budget funds, allocated for consequences elimination of emergencies, including anthropogenic disasters.

Among other, the results of inspection showed the inadequacy of communications, warning and information systems of authorized agencies in the area of prevention and consequences elimination of disasters and catastrophes, civil defense, being and important strategic objects of people protection.
