EU‑funding of urban waste water treatment plants in the Danube river basin: further efforts needed in helping Member States to achieve EU waste water policy objectives
Report ID: 423

The waste water and sewage sludge from urban agglomerations can affect the quality of Europe’s lakes, rivers, coastal waters, soils and groundwater. As a result the EU has adopted a series of directives and has also co-financed the building of urban waste water treatment plants through the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund.

Solid waste management performance audit report in the Greater Irbid Municipality-Jordan
Report ID: 447

The importance of the effective role played by solid waste management in securing a safe and clean environment as a basic service provided by local municipalities to citizens, and the impact of negligence in providing this service on the local environment and the health of citizens. In the implementation of Goal (6) clean water and sanitation by 2030.