Audit of the investment on Maria-Valeria bridge
Report ID: 78

For thousands of years the Danube River has been used by nations as a key route of transport. Researchers
have found that a river crossing point had been developed in the region of today’s Esztergom and Štúrovo
(Párkány) already in the Bronze Age and roads crossing the river have been leading through this area ever since then. The construction of the first permanent iron bridge was started towards the end of the 19th century and the bridge named on Grand Duchess Mária Valéria was officially inaugurated on 25 September 1895. The bridge was blown up in 1919 and restored in 1927. During the Second World War the retreating German army once again blew up the three middle sections of the Bridge.
The desire for the reconstruction of the Bridge emerged during the second half of the 20th century time
and time again, primarily based on the requests of local residents. However, several decades had to pass before the decision was made at the highest decision-making level and the commencement of any substantive negotiations concerning the restoration of the cross-border connection. The development of events accelerated in the second half of the eighties, and in the first half of the nineties the preparation for the reconstruction of the Bridge was launched. The ‘Bridge reconstruction committees’ established by the two countries and the senior officials of the ministries concerned agreed on the initiation of submitting a request for the PHARE support offered by the European Union for this purpose. The Slovak and the Hungarian minister submitted their joint request to the European Commission on 25 September 1995, the 100th year anniversary of the inauguration of the Mária Valéria Bridge, and received a positive answer
already in December of the same year.

The joint preparations were launched on the basis of the prospective support of the European Union. In 1999
the Agreement between the governments of the Republic of Hungary and the Slovak Republic was signed concerning the reconstruction of the Danube Bridge across the border between the two cities – Esztergom and Štúrovo – along with the construction of the related facilities. The financial support for the Slovak Republic for the reconstruction of the Bridge was approved in the Financing Memorandum signed between the European Commission and the Slovak Republic on 2 November 1999. The Financing Memorandum on the PHARE subsidy to be provided for the reconstruction of the Bridge was signed by the representatives of the European Union and the Republic of Hungary on 22 December 1999.
Construction was launched on 18 October 2000 and on 11 October 2001 the Bridge was officially opened amid much ceremony and festivity. It would not have been possible to reconstruct the Bridge within a foreseeable period of time without EU assistance.
By strengthening the good neighbourly relations and friendly co-operation between the two countries the reconstruction of the Bridge over the Danube also contributes to the strengthening of the stability of Europe. The joint investment project has contributed to the process of the integration of both countries into the European Union and has opened new possibilities in cross-border co-operation and in the economic and social relationships between the two countries.
In addition to the agreement on co-operation in construction, agreement was also made on the parallel
audit of the work as well. In the territory of the Republic of Hungary the audit was performed by the State Audit Office of the Republic of Hungary, in the territory of the Slovak Republic it was carried out by the
Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic, based on a mutually co-ordinated and agreed audit plan. The auditor groups of the parties held regular meetings during the audit period and shared their experiences. The audit covered the state and local level legal entities, which were involved in the reconstruction of the Bridge. The objective of the audit was to assess whether the entities concerned had completed the tasks and met the requirements laid out in the inter-governmental Agreement in the course of the reconstruction of the Mária Valéria Bridge and construction of the related facilities.
Furthermore, the audit was aimed to assess compliance in the course of the utilisation of PHARE support with the rules prescribed by the EU concerning the implementation of PHARE programmes. The Report will
be forwarded to the European Court of Auditors, other competent bodies of the European Union, the National
Council of the Slovak Republic and the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary, along with a joint cover letter
signed by the presidents of the state audit institutions of the two countries.


Auditing Investments of TEN-T Priority Project 6
Report ID: 83

In 2008,  the Contact Committee of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the European Union endorsed the execution of a co-ordinated performance audit activity – of a cross-border nature, involving several Member States – related to the utilisation of European Union funds allocated for the realization of investment projects focusing on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).The estimated value of the entire TEN-T Priority Project 6 is 60.8 billion Euros and is the largest of the thirty TEN-T Priority Projects according to its value.

The Supreme Audit Institutions of Slovenia, Hungary and Italy participated in the cooperative audit.

The audit objective was to evaluate:

1. whether the respective transport policies in the countries of participating SAIs are in line with the principles of the community transport policy and whether they define a demand for the modernisation of railway transport in relation to TEN-T Priority Project 6 and corridor 5;
2. whether the development of railway lines financed by European Union funds – taking into account the principles of the respective national and community transport policy – is effectively and efficiently implemented on the line of the TEN-T priority project 6 and Trans-European transport corridor 5;
3. whether the system set up for preparation and realisation of the selected projects effectively ensures the implementation of the railway network and related infrastructure developments concerning corridor 5 in the participating countries;
4. whether the selected project has achieved/ will achieve its objectives defined in the community and national strategies.

The audit focused on two already completed and two still running railway section investments that are/were financed by European Union funds. Within the framework of the audit, each SAI audited its own railway section. The selection of the railway section, or within this railway section, the selection of a project or projects laid with the respective SAIs.

To ensure a coherent approach, all SAIs followed the approved audit plan as close as possible, particularly with regard to the following main question: did the preparation process and the realisation of the TEN-T project selected to be audited efficiently serve the time-proportional implementation of the European Union’s and national transport policy, as well as the utilisation of available resources? The audit focused on the period 2000 –2010.


Special Report Management of a Cross-Border Broadband Initiative: the Bytel Project
Report ID: 280

This report is the result of a co-ordinated examination between the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General and the Northern Ireland Audit Office to the Bytel project. The project was aimed to provide high-speed broadband connectivity linking Belfast, Craigavon, Armagh, Dundalk and Dublin It was supported by the European Union (EU) Interreg III programme, which ran from 2000 to 2006.

Due to the nature of the issues to be examined and that Bytel was located in Northern Ireland, the detailed work in relation to the grant payments was carried out by the NIAO. The NIAO's report is also attached as an appendix of the report. The report examines the role of the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources in the management of the project.


Auditoría Coordinada de obras viales
Report ID: 221

El informe presenta los resultados de la Auditoría Coordinada sobre Obras Viales realizada en el marco del Grupo de Trabajo de Auditoría de Obras Públicas (GTOP) de la Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (OLACEFS), con el propósito de evaluar, por medio de auditorías de cumplimiento, la calidad de obras viales de construcción y mantenimiento de once países: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Paraguay, Perú y República Dominicana.

La auditoría encontró que las fases de contratación de las empresas involucradas – proyectista, constructora y
supervisora – presentaron pocos problemas, mientras que aquellas etapas que involucran la relación de la entidad contratante con la actuación de terceros (diseños realizados por terceros y evaluados por la entidad, modificaciones de diseños y fiscalización de las obras ejecutadas por empresas contratadas) y presentan considerable grado de subjetividad y variabilidad (selección de la “mejor” opción entre diversas posibles, condiciones que son específicas en cada situación), presentaron significativo índice de fallas.

Aunque se considere que la cantidad y la complejidad de servicios, incertidumbre o factores exógenos involucrados en una obra la torne susceptible de fallas, se verifica que la mayor parte de los hallazgos registrados resultó de deficiencias en la actuación de los involucrados – empresas proyectistas, constructoras, supervisoras y agentes públicos – y de fallas de fiscalización de la entidad.



Auditoría Coordinada sobre Pasivos Ambientales de la OLACEFS
Report ID: 222

La gestión de los residuos sólidos y peligrosos, por ejemplo los mineros, como resultado de las actividades económicas, es de gran relevancia, dados los efectos negativos que su falta de gestión o manejo inadecuado pueden ocasionar en la población, los recursos naturales y los ecosistemas; lo que aumenta el riesgo de producir pasivos ambientales,

En el marco de las actividades de la Comisión Técnica de Medio Ambiente (COMTEMA) de la Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (OLACEFS) se  realizó una Auditoría Coordinada sobre Pasivos Ambientales para abordar la referida temática.

Esta auditoría contó con la participación de las Entidades de Fiscalización Superior (EFS) de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, México, Paraguay, Perú y República Dominicana; así como de las Entidades de Fiscalización (EF) de las Provincias argentinas de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe; estando la coordinación de la misma  a cargo de las EFS de México y Perú. Además, la auditoría contó con el apoyo de la Cooperación Alemana a través de GIZ

Durante esta auditoría se evaluó la gestión estatal para la prevención y el manejo integral de los pasivos ambientales. La auditoría evaluó las acciones realizadas por las entidades gubernamentales responsables de la gestión (prevención/control y/o restauración) de los pasivos ambientales y su efecto en la en la mitigación de los daños que ocasionan en el ambiente.

Como resultado de esta evaluación, fue posible analizar los resultados de las acciones realizadas por 88 instituciones públicas responsables de los pasivos ambientales en 9 países de América Latina y el Caribe y en 2 Provincias argentinas.

Los hallazgos de la Auditoría Coordinada muestran que la política de atención de pasivos ambientales, diseñada e implementada por las instituciones evaluadas, no está consolidada, lo que ha provocado una contribución limitada a la preservación del ambiente, de las acciones de prevención y control de la generación de pasivos ambientales y la remediación de los existentes.
