Report ID: 251

With the aim to assess whether the governments of 16 european countries were taking proper action on air quality, the SAIs of the European Court of Auditors, Albania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Netherlands conducted a cooperative audit.

In order to collect and assess comparable information on national government actions, the 15 SAIs
prepared a common audit framework containing the main audit question, the audit topics and the corresponding secondary questions to be addressed by the national audits. The main audit question was: “What is known about the effectiveness and efficiency of measures taken by national and local governments to improve air quality, and are these measures compliant with international and national legislation?”

Two of the main audit findings were that many European countries are failing to comply with international and European standards on air quality. Moreover, many governments have failed to take effective  action to improve air quality and hence to protect their citizens’ health.



Performance Audit: The effectiveness of plastic waste management in Malta
Report ID: 408

Este Informe forma parte de una iniciativa de auditoría cooperativa emprendida conjuntamente con otras 11 Entidades Fiscalizadoras Estatales (EFS) europeas bajo los auspicios del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Auditoría Ambiental de la Organización Europea de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (EUROSAI WGEA). El informe concluye que Malta se está quedando atrás en el logro de los objetivos de gestión de residuos nacionales y de la Unión Europea (UE), incluidos los relacionados con los residuos plásticos. Las prácticas inadecuadas de separación de residuos en la fuente dan como resultado que los residuos potencialmente reciclables se depositen en vertederos. El gobierno está asignando una subvención anual a WasteServ, que en 2019 ascendió a 33 millones de euros, que incluye la financiación de acuerdos de compensación entre WasteServ y los dos planes locales de recuperación de residuos de envases, que no reflejan los costos reales incurridos. Es más, Las tasas de vertedero cobradas por WasteServ a 20 € por tonelada no reflejan los costes reales, que se estiman en 74 € por tonelada. El reciente colapso del mercado de reciclables y las dificultades operativas provocadas por el incidente en la Planta de Tratamiento de Residuos de Sant' Antnin en 2017 significaron que los ingresos de WasteServ disminuyeron desproporcionadamente, impidiendo la recuperación de sus costos de tratamiento de residuos. El gobierno reconoce las preocupaciones en el área de la gestión de residuos y ha habido un fuerte compromiso político para asignar alrededor de 500 millones de euros para ampliar y mejorar las instalaciones de tratamiento de residuos de Malta. Esta inversión se complementará con una mayor adopción de los principios de la economía circular. NAO cree que los riesgos para la salud y el medio ambiente del plástico solo pueden mitigarse mediante un esfuerzo conjunto de todas las partes interesadas,

Joint Report on Management of Plastic Waste in Europe
Report ID: 415

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are important actors overseeing the national implementation of environmental policies by conducting independent audits of government activities. The European association of SAIs is called EUROSAI. One of its working groups is theEUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (EUROSAI WGEA), whose aim is to enhance the capacity of SAIs for auditing government environmental policies, to promote cooperation and to exchange knowledge and experiences on the subject among SAIs. V This joint report is a comprehensive summary of audits on plastic waste performed by12SAIs in following countries: Republic of Albania, Republic of Bulgaria, Hungary, Republic of Malta, Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Poland, Portuguese Republic, Romania, Republic of Serbia, Slovak Republic and Republic of Turkey7. These 12 national SAIs are members of the EUROSAI WGEA. This audit on plastic waste was coordinated by the SAI of Poland –NIK, in line with the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements GUID 9000 Cooperative Audits between SAIs 


Auditing the resilience of critical information systems and digital infrastructures to cyber attacks
Report ID: 419

Digitalisation and the growing use of information technology in all aspects of our daily lives is opening up a new world of opportunities. In turn, the risks to individuals, businesses and public authorities of falling victim to cybercrime or a cyber attack have increased, and so has their societal and economic impact. In the EU, cybersecurity is a prerogative of the Member States. The EU has a role to play in creating a common regulatory framework within the EU’s single market and creating the conditions for Member States to work together in mutual trust.

The Achievement of Auditing Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda by Supreme Audit Institutions in the ARABOSAI Region
Report ID: 424

The scope of the study is the preparedness’ following-up of the ARBOSAI member SAIs as well as the reporting of the progress achieved in carrying out their auditing SDGs roles, given the tasks assigned to as a regional organization, alongside identifying areas of improvement with regards to member SAIs.

The results of the study highlighted SAIs' awareness about the importance of this type of audit as to improving the quality of public services provided in line with the ISSAI 12 objectives related to "The value and benefits of the SAIs- making a difference to the lives of citizens".