Report on the Parallel Audit of the Performance of the Structural Funds programmes of the EU in the areas of employment and/or environment
Report ID: 416

In this report the Working Group submitted to the Contact Committee its key findings, good practices and recommendations on the Performance of the Structural Funds Programmes of the European Union in the Areas of Employment and/or Environment depending on Country Reports prepared as results of the parallel audits conducted by the participating SAIs. The findings of the audit are related to six key areas: 1) Planning of Measures and Selection of Projects; 2) Goal oriented application procedures; 3) Award procedures; 4) Monitoring and Reporting; 5) Evaluation; 6) Participation of the Monitoring Committees in the evaluation of earlier Structural Funds measures and in the planning of new Structural Funds measures.

Emissions trading to limit climate change: Does it work?
Report ID: 417


The Supreme Audit Institutions play an important accountability role by reporting to parliaments on the efficient, effective and cost-effective implementation of, amongst other things, environmental and energy policies. Climate change is considered by both United Nations (UN) and EU as one of the biggest environmental, economic and social challenges, and needs to be addressed in a coordinated effort at an international level. Emissions trading is a key policy instrument in meeting national and the Kyoto Protocol emissions targets in a cost-effective way. The implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol (the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI)) have been a huge administrative undertaking and entail new tasks and roles for governments and companies. There are potential risks related to the implementation of these systems as well as to their effectiveness. The aim of the cooperative audit has been to assess the trustworthiness, reliability and effectiveness of the EU ETS and project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. This report draws on findings gained from individual audit reports from seven countries in the years 2008–2012.

Effectiveness of Jamaica’s institutional framework in enabling a strong and resilient national public health system
Report ID: 444

Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan (NDP) published in 2009, highlighted the challenges faced by the public health system and the actions to improve the delivery of public healthcare, consistent with health-related indicators of the SDGs. In this regard, the onset of the Novel Coronavirus in 2019 (Covid-19) brought into sharp focus the vulnerability of Jamaica’s public health system and the risks posed by public health emergencies.

Report ID: 452

El informe se estructura en tres secciones. En la primera sección se aborda los marcos legales, de políticas y acuerdos institucionales que promueven la implementación del Reglamento Sanitario Internacional y consecuentemente el mejoramiento de las capacidades básicas del Sistema de Salud para prevenir y prepararse para los riesgos de salud pública; asimismo, se evalúa la coherencia horizontal y vertical del marco de políticas, y la participación de las partes interesadas y de los grupos vulnerables en el proceso de elaboración del marco normativo y de políticas del RSI.

Sustainable Development Goal 3 Target d
Report ID: 458

SDG 3 .d has two components: 3 .d. 1 International Health Regulations (IHR) capacity and health emergency preparedness and 3 .d.2 Percentage of bloodstream infections due to selected antimicrobial-resistant organisms. The audit focused on the global indicator 3 .d. 1. Focus was also emphasized on four of the thirteen WHO IHR core capacity areas. These are Human Resources, IHR Coordination and National IHR Focal Point Functions, Legislation and Financing, and National Health Emergency Framework