Relatório de Auditoria Consolidado sobre o Programa de Acção Mercosul para a Luta contra a Febre Aftosa (PAMA)
Report ID: 282

Em 2011, no âmbito do Plano de Acção da Organização do Mercosul e das Instituições Superiores de Auditoria (ISC) associadas, as Instituições Superiores de Auditoria (ISC) da Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai, Venezuela e Bolívia realizaram uma auditoria coordenada sobre o Programa de Acção do Mercosul para a Luta contra a Febre Aftosa - PAMA, com o apoio da GIZ.

O objectivo da auditoria coordenada era analisar a contribuição do PAMA para a luta contra a febre aftosa, se os recursos utilizados pelo programa estavam a ser auditados e se estava a ser realizado um acompanhamento adequado, identificando, em ambos os casos, aspectos de melhoria para a gestão do programa.

O tema foi escolhido devido à importância socioeconómica da actividade pecuária na região e ao risco de contágio do gado no Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL) devido a surtos recorrentes da doença nos países da região. Além disso, a auditoria do SURF em 2010 assinalou a oportunidade de aprofundar a investigação sobre os controlos dos projectos FOCEM, sugerindo a auditoria do PAMA, porque se trata de um programa multi-estados, e devido às provas detectadas sobre deficiências de controlo, considerando também que devido às características de dispersão da doença, só um esforço articulado e integrado dos países poderia fornecer contribuições concretas.

A auditoria coordenada fez parte de um projecto-piloto para examinar a metodologia de desenvolvimento de capacidades desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa GIZ/Olacefs. 


Parallel audit on environmental protection and the sustainable use of transboundary waters of the Lake Peipus
Report ID: 306

The National Audit Office of the Republic of Estonia and the Court of Audit of the Russian Federation (hereinafter parties) conducted a parallel audit on environmental protection and the sustainable use of transboundary waters of the Lake Peipus

Lake Peipus is the 4th largest lake in Europe and the largest transboundary water body in the European Union. The lake is an important source of freshwater and it is also important because of its fish stocks, recreation areas and waterways. In addition, it is the habitat of many species, including migratory birds.

The status of Lake Peipus is influenced by the everyday activities of people living on the Estonian and Russian side of the catchment area, as well as activities related to agriculture, extraction of mineral resources, forest management and other economic activities.

The main problem is the lake’s eutrophication (nutrient saturation, especially of phosphorous and nitrogenous compounds), which causes changes in the lake’s ecosystem, reduces fish stocks, decreases the quality of water and in critical cases also encourages the spread of blue-green algae that emit poison which endangers the biota as well as the health of swimmers.

The audit was started based on the cooperation agreement concluded in 2010 between the National Audit Office of Estonia and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, according to which both states shall audit the factors influencing the status of Lake Peipus in their respective states.

The objective of the audit was to assess whether the measures implemented by the state have helped to reduce the pollution load of Lake Peipus and the achievement of the good status of the lake. Attention was especially paid to the inspection of activities influencing the pollution load of Lake Peipus (point source and diffuse pollution) as well as Estonian-Russian cooperation in this area.

The audit focused on the following main issues:

1. Is the quality of water in and the status of the ecosystem of Lake Peipus being assessed?

2. Are there any measures taken to reduce pollution in and to protect Lake Peipus?

3. Is supervision carried out over the conformity to environmental requirements of the sources of pollution in Lake Peipus?

4. Is the co-operation between Estonia and Russia contributing to the preservation and improvement of the status of Lake Peipus?

A Memorandum on the results of the parallel audit was issued by both SAIs. Each party prepared a report on the results of the parallel audit separately and independently. The parties based their parallel audit on the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions INTOSAI and Europe Supreme Audit Institutions EUROSAI standards and auditing principles.

The Memorandum is available in Estonian and Russian.



Costos de los controles de la gestión de los Fondos Estructurales
Report ID: 413

En este informe presentado al Comité de Contacto, el Grupo de Trabajo informa a los Estados miembros sobre los desafíos, los hallazgos clave y las recomendaciones que surgen de su auditoría paralela sobre los costos de los controles de la gestión de los Fondos Estructurales, incluido el uso de asistencia técnica para el control de Fondos Estructurales. La auditoría abarcó una amplia gama de programas operativos.
