Amazon biome protected areas - Coordinated Audit Executive summary
Report ID: 375

Protected areas (Pas) are part of a worldwide strategy for biodiversity conservation. Inside PAS there are water springs, mineral deposits, wood logs, latex, nuts and other natural resources with economic, social and environmental value. Pas are protected spaces due to relevant natural characteristics, being instituted by public authority considering that they are an important part of the environmental heritage.

Between 2012 and 2013, the Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil (TCU) and the nine state Courts of Audit in the Brazilian Amazon ( Acre, Amazonas, Amapa, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Para, Rondonia, Roraima and Tocatins) carried out a coordinated audit to asses all the federal and state protected areas in the Amazon biome. The audit allowed the oversight bodies to work in an integrated way to obtain a systemic assessment of the 247 protected areas in that biome, 107 being federal and 140 state level.

Due to the relevance of the Amazon region, the audit assessed to what degree the normative, institutional and operational conditions are sufficient for the Pas achieve their goals.

To assess the Pas in the Brazilian Amazon, TCU created the Protected Areas Implementation and Management Index (Indimapa), an instrument to evaluate, communicate and monitor PA, through geo-referenced maps. The instrument classifies Pas in three levels: red, yellow and green, using 14 indicators.

Based on this analysis, the audit verified that only 4% of the federal and state Pas in the Brazilian Amazon are considered to have a high degree of implementation and management, the necessary level to the complete fulfillment of its objectives.

Finally, it was observed that the creation and maintenance of PA offer important benefits like the contribution to deforestation control and the reduction of carbon emissions. However, these areas have objectives that go further than conservation. Other activities are also part of their objectives like: visitation, tourism, research, sustainable logging, etc. These activities depend on management efficiency to be developed, which requires actions that go beyond the creation of Pas.


Áreas protegidas del bioma amazónico - Resumen ejecutivo de la Auditoría coordinada
Report ID: 376

Las áreas protegidas (APs) forman parte de una estrategia mundial de conservación de la biodiversidad. Dentro de las APs existen manantiales de agua, depósitos minerales, troncos de madera, látex, frutos secos y otros recursos naturales con valor económico, social y ambiental. Los PAS son espacios protegidos por características naturales relevantes, siendo instituidos por la autoridad pública considerando que son parte importante del patrimonio ambiental.

Entre 2012 y 2013, el Tribunal Federal de Cuentas de la Unión de Brasil (TCU) y los nueve Tribunales de Cuentas estatales de la Amazonia brasileña (Acre, Amazonas, Amapa, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondonia, Roraima y Tocatins) realizaron una auditoría coordinada para evaluar todas las áreas protegidas federales y estatales del bioma amazónico. La auditoría permitió a los órganos de control trabajar de forma integrada para obtener una evaluación sistémica de las 247 áreas protegidas de ese bioma, siendo 107 de ámbito federal y 140 de ámbito estatal.

Debido a la relevancia de la región amazónica, la auditoría evaluó hasta qué punto las condiciones normativas, institucionales y operativas son suficientes para que las APs alcancen sus objetivos. Para evaluar los APs en la Amazonia brasileña, el TCU creó el Índice de Implementación y Gestión de Áreas Protegidas (Indimapa), un instrumento para evaluar, comunicar y monitorear las APs, a través de mapas geo referenciados. El instrumento clasifica las APs en tres niveles: rojo, amarillo y verde, utilizando 14 indicadores. A partir de este análisis, la auditoría verificó que sólo el 4% de las APs federales y estatales de la Amazonia brasileña se consideran con un alto grado de implementación y gestión, el nivel necesario para el cumplimiento de sus objetivos.

Finalmente, se observó que la creación y el mantenimiento de las APs ofrece importantes beneficios como la contribución al control de la deforestación y la reducción de las emisiones de carbono. Sin embargo, estas áreas tienen objetivos que van más allá de la conservación. Otras actividades también forman parte de sus objetivos como: la visitas, el turismo, la investigación, la tala sostenible, etc. Estas actividades dependen de la eficacia de la gestión con que se desarrollen, lo que requiere acciones que van más allá de la creación de APs. 


Áreas protegidas do bioma amazónico - Resumo Executivo da Auditoria Coordenada
Report ID: 377

As áreas protegidas (Pas) fazem parte de uma estratégia mundial para a conservação da biodiversidade. Dentro das PAS existem nascentes de água, depósitos minerais, toros de madeira, látex, nozes e outros recursos naturais com valor económico, social e ambiental. Pas são espaços protegidos devido a características naturais relevantes, sendo instituídos pela autoridade pública considerando que são uma parte importante do património ambiental. 

Entre 2012 e 2013, o Tribunal Federal de Contas do Brasil (TCU) e os nove Tribunais de Contas estaduais da Amazônia brasileira (Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima e Tocatins) realizaram uma auditoria coordenada para avaliar todas as áreas protegidas federais e estaduais do bioma amazônico. A auditoria permitiu aos órgãos de fiscalização trabalhar de forma integrada para obter uma avaliação sistémica das 247 áreas protegidas desse bioma, sendo 107 a nível federal e 140 a nível estadual.

Devido à relevância da região amazónica, a auditoria avaliou até que ponto as condições normativas, institucionais e operacionais são suficientes para que o Pas atinja os seus objectivos.

Para avaliar o Pas na Amazônia brasileira, a TCU criou o Índice de Implementação e Gestão de Áreas Protegidas (Indimapa), um instrumento para avaliar, comunicar e monitorizar o PA, através de mapas geo-referenciados. O instrumento classifica o Pas em três níveis: vermelho, amarelo e verde, utilizando 14 indicadores.

Com base nesta análise, a auditoria verificou que apenas 4% dos Pas federais e estaduais na Amazônia brasileira são considerados como tendo um elevado grau de implementação e gestão, o nível necessário para o completo cumprimento dos seus objectivos.

Finalmente, observou-se que a criação e manutenção de Pas oferece benefícios importantes como a contribuição para o controlo da desflorestação e a redução das emissões de carbono. No entanto, estas áreas têm objectivos que vão mais além da conservação. Outras actividades fazem também parte dos seus objectivos como: visitação, turismo, investigação, exploração florestal sustentável, etc. Estas actividades dependem da eficiência de gestão a ser desenvolvida, o que requer acções que vão para além da criação da Pas.


Report ID: 379

The Special Technical Commission on the Environment (COMTEMA) of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Superior Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) conducted the second edition of the Coordinated Audit on Protected Areas, between 2019 and 2020. (The summary of the first edition is available here:

The audit was coordinated by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU-Brazil) and was joined by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from 17 countries: 15 from Latin America and the Caribbean and 2 from Europe: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal and the Dominican Republic. In addition, 9 Subnational Audit Institutions – 8 Brazilian state courts of accounts in the Amazon region and one Argentine provincial court of accounts – took part in the audit.

The audit had the support of the OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee (CCC) for the training cycle, and was also supported by the German Cooperation by means of GIZ, within the framework of the Regional Project Strengthening External Control in the Environmental Area.

This second edition of the Coordinated Audit on Protected Areas (ACAP), was aimed to assess the level of implementation and management of the protected areas of countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the progress of these countries towards compliance with Aichi Target 11 under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 14 and 15 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Index of Implementation and Management of Protected Areas (Indimapa) was used. It allows the assessment of protected areas in three implementation and management ranges (low, medium, and high) by means or 13 indicators, that are assessed according to a scale from 0 to 3.

Of the 17 participating countries, 11 also took part in the first edition of the coordinated audit, conducted in 2014 and 2015, which provided the baseline data for comparative analysis of progress and setbacks in the implementation and management of protected areas.



Executive Summary of the consolidated Report of the Arab Countries Participating in the Cooperative Audit Task on Solid Waste Management and Recycling
Report ID: 380

Waste management is crucial for all countries around the world. It serves to find and effective and efficient system for mitigating any potential environmental risks resulting from the increasing amounts of different types of waste. The phenomenon of the increase in solid waste is spreading across some Arab countries and worldwide.

In 2017, the Executive Council of ARABOSAI mandated the participant Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to prepare a cooperative report on “Performance Assessment of Solid Waste Management”. The SAIs of Kuwait, Oman, Palestine and Sudan agreed to carry out a performance audit on the efficiency and effectiveness of government entities responsible for the management and recycling of the solid waste in an efficient and effective manner.

The purpose of the audit was:

  • To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholders with respect to their management of solid waste in the participant countries,
  • Verifying the effectiveness of waste treatment and recycling programmes, as well as assessing the impact of such programs on reducing the adverse effects of using improper methods in dealing with waste particularly hazardous waste,
  • Assessing how effective are the development projects pertaining to the solid waste management systems and the optimal utilization of waste constituents,
  • Assess the actions taken by the entities concerned with waste management in order to reduce solid waste products and ensure optimal disposal and recycling of wastes in an efficient and effective manner.

Different audit methodologies were adopted by the participating countries. SAI Sudan and SAI Oman assessed the role of auditees in the management of solid waste. For example, SAI Kuwait evaluated projects related to the management of solid waste and risk management assessment on stakeholders. The SAI of Oman performed a KPI assessment to evaluate operating companies.

The consolidated report was prepared under the supervision of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI).

Source: Kindly shared by ARABOSAI