Auditoria coordenada das receitas governamentais provenientes da exploração e produção de hidrocarbonetos
Report ID: 374

A auditoria de resultados sobre a auditoria das receitas governamentais provenientes da exploração e produção de petróleo e gás natural no Brasil, Colômbia e Peru foi conduzida pelas Instituições Superiores de Auditoria dos países acima mencionados. Esta auditoria foi realizada na modalidade de auditoria coordenada, no âmbito das actividades do Comité de Capacitação do OLACEFS, e teve o apoio da GIZ.

A produção de hidrocarbonetos é uma actividade económica de grande relevância para muitos países da América Latina porque, para além da sua importância energética estratégica, gera impactos significativos nas receitas públicas, principalmente através da recepção de participações governamentais. Devido a isto, a auditoria correcta destes recursos pelo Estado é uma questão sensível.

O objectivo da auditoria coordenada, sob a abordagem do desempenho, era avaliar as condições regulamentares, institucionais e operacionais em que as agências e entidades governamentais responsáveis pelo controlo da medição da produção de petróleo e gás natural e pelo controlo do cálculo e pagamento das contribuições governamentais desta produção operam, identificando possíveis obstáculos e oportunidades de melhoria, bem como as boas práticas que contribuem para a melhoria da gestão.

Além disso, no âmbito da auditoria, foi efectuada uma análise da experiência da auditoria coordenada, com base a) nas perspectivas e principais resultados da auditoria para os países; b) nas perspectivas e principais resultados da auditoria para as ISC e c) no parecer sobre a experiência da auditoria coordenada.


Nota: Este relatório está também disponível no catálogo em inglês e espanhol.

Auditoría de Rendimiento Coordinada sobre la Fiscalización de Los Ingresos Públicos provenientes de la Explotación y Producción de Petróleo y Gas Natural en Brasil, Colombia y Perú
Report ID: 378

La producción de hidrocarburos es una actividad económica de gran relevancia para muchos países latinoamericanos porque, además de su importancia energética estratégica, genera impactos significativos en los ingresos públicos, principalmente por el recibo de participaciones gubernamentales. Debido a eso, la correcta fiscalización de esos recursos, por el Estado, es un tema de gran interés.

La auditoría de desempeño sobre la fiscalización de los ingresos públicos provenientes de la explotación y producción de petróleo y gas natural en Brasil, Colombia y Perú fue realizada por las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores de los precitados países en el marco de las actividades del Comité de Creación de Capacidades de la OLACEFS, con el apoyo de GIZ.

El objetivo de la auditoria coordinada consistió en evaluar las condiciones normativas, institucionales y operativas en que actúan los organismos y entidades gubernamentales encargados del control de la medición de la producción de petróleo y gas natural y del control del cálculo y del pago de las participaciones gubernamentales provenientes de esa producción, identificando eventuales obstáculos y oportunidades de mejoría, así como buenas prácticas que contribuyan para el perfeccionamiento de la gestión.

En este informe se encuentran la matriz de planificación general de la auditoría y los informes individuales producidos por las EFS como parte de cada auditoría.


Coordinated Audit on “Transboundary movements of waste in the light of the Basel Convention provisions” by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Poland, Slovak Republic and Ukraine (2nd Edition)
Report ID: 390

The European Union has incorporated the Basel Convention into the Waste Shipment Regulation. It applies automatically and uniformly in the Member States of the European Union without the need for transposition into national law. The regulation is binding to all Member States in its entirety.

In  2007, the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia carried out a cooperative audit on transboundary movement of waste between their countries on compliance of international obligations in the management of hazardous waste across the borders of their states.

Taking into consideration some changes in the provision and in order to assess the state of implementation of recommendations included in the first audit, as well as assessing the scope of compliance with the provisions of the “Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal”, the SAIs of Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine agreed to re-conduct the joint international audit within the activities of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes.

The Coordinator of the audit was the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Poland. Period covered by the audit 2015 – 2019 Audits were conducted in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine in the second half of 2019.

The audit objective was to assess the reliability and effectiveness of activities carried out by authorities responsible for transboundary movements of wastes, including within the international cooperation, in particular: y national authorities competent for auditing procedures applied in transboundary movements of wastes; y national environmental protection authorities competent for auditing entities that dispatch or receive wastes from other countries; y national authorities, in particular border authorities, customs services etc., in the scope of auditing the compliance of the notified type of wastes with the actual content of cargo transported across the border.


The report of the first edition of the audit is available at:

The national report issued by SAI Slovakia on this second audit is available at:

OLACEFS Coordinated Audit on Environmental Liabilities
Report ID: 398

The management of solid and hazardous waste, such as mining waste, as a result of economic activities, is of great relevance, given the negative effects that its lack of management or inadequate management can have on the population, natural resources and ecosystems, which increases the risk of producing environmental liabilities.

Within the framework of the activities of the Technical Commission on the Environment (COMTEMA) of the Latin American and Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), a Coordinated Audit on Environmental Liabilities was carried out to address this issue.

The Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Dominican Republic; as well as the Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the Argentinean Provinces of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe participated in the audit. It was coordinated by the SAIs of Mexico and Peru. In addition, the audit was supported by the German Cooperation through GIZ.

During this audit, the state management for the prevention and integral management of environmental liabilities was evaluated. The audit assessed the actions carried out by the governmental entities responsible for the management (prevention/control and/or restoration) of environmental liabilities and their effect on the mitigation of the damage they cause to the environment. 

As a result of this evaluation, it was possible to analyse the results of the actions taken by 88 public institutions responsible for environmental liabilities in 9 Latin American and Caribbean countries and in 2 Argentinean provinces.

The findings of the Coordinated Audit show that the policy of attention to environmental liabilities, designed and implemented by the institutions evaluated, is not consolidated, which has led to a limited contribution to the preservation of the environment, of the actions of prevention and control of the generation of environmental liabilities and the remediation of existing ones.


Resumen Ciudadano de la Auditoría Coordinada de Pasivos Ambientales
Report ID: 400

En el marco de la Auditoría Coordinada de Pasivos Ambientales de la COMTEMA de la OLACEFS; además de los informes ejecutivos y el informe consolidado, se elaboró un informe para los ciudadanos.

Este informe da cuenta de a quiénes se auditó, qué se auditó y porqué se realizó la auditoria con un lenguaje sencillo y de fácil comprensión
