Report ID: 313

Com base nesse cenário, de inquestionável relevância social e econômica para a região, a Organização Latino-Americana e do Caribe de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (Olacefs), por meio do Grupo de Trabalho de Auditoria de Obras Públicas (GTOP), elegeu o assunto energias renováveis no setor elétrico para a realização de uma auditoria coordenada. Participaram dos trabalhos conjuntos Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores de doze países (Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Equador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Paraguai e Venezuela). Em face dessa oportunidade, foi possível promover um intercâmbio de informações sobre as políticas energéticas adotadas em cada país e uma posterior consolidação dos resultados da auditoria, com o propósito de contribuir para o aprimoramento das estratégias voltadas ao incremento de fontes limpas na matriz elétrica

A auditoria teve como objeto central a avaliação das políticas públicas para inserção de fontes renováveis na matriz elétrica dos países participantes, incluídos os compromissos internacionais assumidos, bem como as diretrizes governamentais correlatas. Para atingir essa finalidade, foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos: 1) identificar a situação atual da matriz elétrica em cada um dos países membros da Para verificar as assinaturas, acesse, informando o código 63195435. 7 Olacefs participantes;

2) avaliar se existem políticas públicas estabelecidas para o alcance dos compromissos nacionais e/ou internacionais assumidos para a expansão das energias renováveis no setor elétrico, em especial para a consecução dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e do Acordo de Paris;

3) analisar os investimentos em infraestrutura para a geração de energia elétrica sustentável (fontes hídrica, eólica, solar, biomassa, maré, etc) e eventuais barreiras existentes para a inserção/expansão dessa infraestrutura, sobretudo com relação aos aspectos relacionados aos desafios operacionais, questões regulatórias, políticas de subsídio e de fomento, segurança energética, preço da energia, modulação das tarifas, entre outros.

No contexto do esforço colaborativo induzido pelos acordos internacionais mencionados, esta auditoria também é importante ferramenta para detectar oportunidades de melhoria e boas práticas nas políticas públicas relacionadas ao tema, resultados que podem trazer insumos relevantes para a melhoria dessas políticas nos países participantes e até mesmo na comunidade internacional.


* o relatório está também disponível em inglês e espanhol neste catálogo.

Summary sheet of the Coordinated Audit of Renewable Energies
Report ID: 314

The Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), through the Public Works Audit Working Group (GTOP), chose the topic of renewable energies in the electricity sector to carry out a coordinated audit.

The Supreme Audit Institutions of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela participated in the joint work. This made it possible to promote an exchange of information on the energy policies adopted in each country and a subsequent consolidation of the results of the audit, with the aim of contributing to the improvement of strategies aimed at expanding clean sources in the electricity matrix.

The objective of the audit was to carry out a diagnosis on public policies and investments related to the expansion of renewable energies in the electricity sector in the participating countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region, especially identifying good practices and opportunities for improvement in these policies, so as to contribute to the achievement of the commitments assumed through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Paris Agreement.

The specific objectives addressed by the coordinated audit were:

1) To identify the current situation of the electricity matrix in each of the OLACEFS participating member countries;

2) To evaluate whether there are public policies in place to achieve national and/or international commitments for the expansion of renewable energies in the electricity sector, especially for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement;

3) Analyze investments in infrastructure for the generation of sustainable electrical energy (water, wind, solar, biomass, tidal, etc.) and possible existing barriers to the insertion/expansion of this infrastructure, especially in relation to aspects related to operational challenges, regulatory issues, subsidy and promotion policies, energy security, energy prices, tariff modulation, among others.

* The executive summary is available in Portuguese and Spanish on this catalogue.


Summary of the Parallel Audit to the Management of the state budgetary funds and state property in administration of Pieniny National Park*
Report ID: 340

The Pieniny is a short mountain range on the Polish-Slovak border, a part of the Tatras. Both on the Polish and Slovak side of the border National Parks have been established. In 1999 the Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK) and the Slovak National Audit Office (NKU) decided to carry out a parallel audit of both Parks. The audit was performed from July to October 2000 and it was focused on the three-and-a-half-year period from January 1997 to June 2000.

The objective of the audit was to study and evaluate how the respective Polish or
Slovak environmental legislation was observed in the functioning of the Park,  the managing of the state property and efficient and effective use of state budget means. The crossborder cooperation of the management of PIENAP in Červený kláštor in Slovakia and the management of Pieniny National Park in Kroscienko in Poland (PPN) was also evaluated. 


*Written by Jan Dziadon

Joint audit report Implementation of the Operational Programme Cross-Border Cooperation Republic of Poland – Slovak Republic 2007–2013
Report ID: 341

On 20 December 2007 the European Commission, by means of the decision No C (2007) 6534, approved the Programme. It received support from the European Community by means of the European Regional Development Fund resources for particular borderland areas on the Polish and Slovak sides of the border. The support area of the Programme in Poland included among others: the so called Krosno-Przemyśl subregion and in Slovakia Prešovský Kraj and Žilinský Kraj. Additionally, on the Polish side among others poviat Rzeszów and township Rzeszów were also added to the Programme and could participate in the projects as adjacent areas.

The audit of the Programme was undertaken on the basis of a cooperation agreement concluded on 18 February 1998 between the Supreme Audit Office of Poland (NIK) and the Supreme Audit Office of Slovakia (NKU) – as a result of the joint initiative of NIK Regional Branch in Rzeszów and NKU Expozitur: in Košice and Prešov. The audits were conducted in the periods: November 2009–August 2010 and September 2012–May 2013.

The aim of the audit was to assess the regularity with which and extent to which the Polish and Slovak entities have executed the priorities and goals of the Operational Programme Cross-Border Cooperation Republic of Poland – Slovak Republic 2007–2013,  in particular:
− the effectiveness of the joint organisational structure established in both countries for the
management, implementation and audit of the Programme;
− the execution of particular projects (subjects) within the I and II priority axes of the Programme by the beneficiaries with regard to legality, regularity and economy;
− the achievement of operational goals specified for the particular priority axes.

The axes set were:

I. Development of cross-border infrastructure;

II. Social and economic development;

III. Support of local initiatives (microprojects) and

IV. Technical assistance, in compliance with the partnership obligation.


Informe Binacional sobre la evaluación de la gestión de las autoridades ambientales de Costa Rica y Panamá en el manejo integral del Parque Internacional la Amistad.
Report ID: 350

El  Parque Internacional La Amistad (PILA) está ubicado en la Cordillera de Talamanca, una de las cadenas montañosas más alta de Centroamérica, que se extiende desde las proximidades de Cartago en Costa Rica, hasta el Monte Picacho en la Provincia de Chiriqui en Panamá. El parque es parte del puente biológico y filtro entre América del Sur y América del Norte. El PILA revista especial importancia debido a la gran variedad de su flora y fauna, así como por su potencial hidroeléctrico. Además, en sus alrededores habitan grupos étnicos importantes que fundamentan su cultura y su subsistencia en los recursos naturales y de belleza paisajística.

Debido a ello, las Contralorías Generales de la República de Costa Rica y de la República de Panamá, decidieron realizar actividades de fiscalización que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de la protección de la biodiversidad de dicha área protegida y promover el uso sostenible de sus recursos naturales.

Para dicho fin ambas EFS suscribieron un Convenio de Cooperación Técnica y Científica, en el marco de los Convenios de Cooperación establecidos con la Organización Centroamericana y del Caribe de Entidades de Fiscalización Superior (OCCEFS), de la cual ambas contralorías son miembros, así como con la Cooperación Alemana GIZ (antes GTZ), quienes apoyaron el proyecto técnica y financieramente.

El objetivo general fue evaluar la labor realizada por las autoridades ambientales de Costa Rica y Panamá en relación con el manejo integral del PILA, a efecto de verificar el cabal cumplimiento de los fines para los cuales fue creado.

Los objetivos específicos fueron:

  • Evaluar la normativa internacional y la propia de cada país que regula el parque a efecto de determinar los actores y sus competencias, así como la suficiencia y el cumplimiento de dicha normativa;
  • Evaluar el logro de los fines para los cuales se creó el Parque, mediante el análisis de sus objetivos y proponer las mejoras pertinentes;
  • Evaluar los principales procesos administrativos relacionados con la planificación, organización, ejecución y control de las actividades desarrolladas en el PILA para su mejor gestión.

Además, se buscó fortalecer los mecanismos de integración y cooperación mutua entre las EFS participantes, así como el intercambio de información y experiencias en el marco de la OCCEFS. Se desarrolló una metodología que comprendió tres componentes: la evaluación de los resultados del parque, la evaluación de la gestión institucional y el análisis de la efectividad.
