Auditoría coordinada sobre indicadores de educación - Resumen Ejecutivo
Report ID: 248

El resumen presenta los resultados de las auditorías de desempeño sobre la generación de estadísticas educativas, realizadas por 11 Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (EFS) latinoamericanas: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá y República Dominicana. Esta auditoría contó con el apoyo de la cooperación técnica alemana a través de la GIZ.

La auditoría trata de la producción de estadísticas educativas y tiene en cuenta la necesidad de controlar y seguir los objetivos y metas establecidos a nivel nacional, así como los compromisos internacionales asumidos por los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas.

En cuanto a las buenas prácticas, se concluyó que de las doce unidades administrativas auditadas, dos mostraban una adhesión baja a las prácticas recomendadas por la Oficina Estadística de la Unión Europea (EUROSTAT), cuatro mostraban una adhesión media y seis, una adhesión alta.

La fiscalización tenía por objeto evaluar tres cuestiones:

1) La adopción de buenas prácticas internacionales por parte de las unidades administrativas encargadas de generar estadísticas sobre educación;

2) La capacidad de producción de estadísticas para el seguimiento del sistema educativo en cada país, la entrega de datos e indicadores a los organismos internacionales, la oportunidad de estas actividades, así como la forma de difusión y divulgación de estos datos e indicadores;

3) El progreso de los países en relación con la meta 2 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) y en relación con los objetivos del Marco de Dakar del Programa de Educación para Todos (EPT) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO).


Joint Study Main characteristics, findings, messages of the coordinated audit of the Graduates’ Career Tracking Systems
Report ID: 278

In 2015, as one of the subprojects of the Network on Europe 2020 Strategy Audit, the State Audit Office of Hungary (as coordinator), the Bulgarian National Audit Office and the Romanian Court of Accounts decided to carry out a coordinated audit to allow for better use of shared knowledge for competitiveness – revealing the good practices of graduate career tracking systems. 

The objective of the audit was to reveal good practices of career tracking systems, with special regard to tracking the careers of graduates employed in another Member State.

The cooperative audit was a performance audit focusing on effectiveness. The Romanian Court of Accounts also focused on efficiency in its country-specific audit. The State Audit Office of Hungary, besides carrying out the audit, performed an analysis as well.

The final product of the cooperative audit was a joint study with four conclusions and messages supported by the experiences and audit findings of all three SAIs; as well as three good practices that the participating SAIs collected over the course of the audits and which they would like to draw to the attention of other countries.

In addition, all three SAIs have summarized the main characteristics and findings of their national audits with special regard to those which may provide useful lessons for other Member States in developing graduate career tracking systems.


Coordinated Audit on Education Indicators - Executive Summary
Report ID: 370

The summary presents the findings of performance audits on generating education statistics, conducted by 11 Latin American Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) - Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and the Dominican Republic. This audit was supported by the german technical cooperation through GIZ.

The audit deals with the production of education statistics and takes into account the need to monitor and follow objectives and targets set nationally as well as the international commitments taken on by United Nations member countries.

In terms of good practices it was concluded that of the twelve administrative units audited, two showed low adherence to practices recommended by the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT), four showed medium adherence and six, high adherence.

The audit aimed to assess three issues:

1) The adoption of international good practices by the administrative units responsible for generating education statistics;

2) The capacity to produce statistics for monitoring the education system in each country, the delivery of data and indicators to international agencies, the timeliness of these activities, as well as the way in which these data and indicators are disseminated and disseminated;

3) The progress of countries in relation to target 2 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and in relation to the goals of the Dakar Framework of the Education for All Programme (EFA) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). 


Auditoria Coordenada sobre Indicadores de Educação - Sumário Executivo
Report ID: 371

O resumo apresenta os resultados das auditorias de resultados sobre a geração de estatísticas de educação, realizadas por 11 Instituições Superiores de Auditoria (ISC) da América Latina: Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, República Dominicana, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá e Panamá. Esta auditoria foi apoiada pela cooperação técnica alemã através da GIZ.

A auditoria trata da produção de estatísticas de educação e tem em conta a necessidade de acompanhar e acompanhar os objectivos e metas estabelecidos a nível nacional, bem como os compromissos internacionais assumidos pelos países membros das Nações Unidas.
Em termos de boas práticas, verificou-se que das 12 unidades administrativas auditadas, duas mostraram baixa aderência às práticas recomendadas pelo Serviço de Estatística da União Europeia (Eurostat), quatro mostraram média aderência e seis mostraram alta aderência.

A auditoria visava avaliar três questões:

1) A adopção de boas práticas internacionais pelas unidades administrativas encarregadas de gerar estatísticas de educação;
(2) A capacidade de produzir estatísticas para monitorizar o sistema educativo em cada país, a entrega de dados e indicadores a agências internacionais, a oportunidade destas actividades, bem como a forma de divulgação e disseminação destes dados e indicadores;
(3) O progresso dos países em relação à meta 2 dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio (ODM) e em relação aos objectivos do Quadro de Dacar do Programa Educação para Todos (EPT) da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, Ciência e Cultura (UNESCO). 


Main characteristics, findings, messages of the coordinated audit of the Graduates’ Career Tracking Systems
Report ID: 418

As part of the Network on Europe 2020 Strategy Audit, as one of the Network’s subprojects, the State Audit Office of Hungary (as coordinator), the Bulgarian National Audit Office and the Romanian Court of Accounts decided to carry out a coordinated audit to allow for better use of shared knowledge for competitiveness – revealing the good practices of graduate career tracking systems. The subject of the audit is closely linked to the main objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy.