Executive Summary of the consolidated Report of the Arab Countries Participating in the Cooperative Audit Task on Solid Waste Management and Recycling
Report ID: 380

Waste management is crucial for all countries around the world. It serves to find and effective and efficient system for mitigating any potential environmental risks resulting from the increasing amounts of different types of waste. The phenomenon of the increase in solid waste is spreading across some Arab countries and worldwide.

In 2017, the Executive Council of ARABOSAI mandated the participant Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to prepare a cooperative report on “Performance Assessment of Solid Waste Management”. The SAIs of Kuwait, Oman, Palestine and Sudan agreed to carry out a performance audit on the efficiency and effectiveness of government entities responsible for the management and recycling of the solid waste in an efficient and effective manner.

The purpose of the audit was:

  • To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholders with respect to their management of solid waste in the participant countries,
  • Verifying the effectiveness of waste treatment and recycling programmes, as well as assessing the impact of such programs on reducing the adverse effects of using improper methods in dealing with waste particularly hazardous waste,
  • Assessing how effective are the development projects pertaining to the solid waste management systems and the optimal utilization of waste constituents,
  • Assess the actions taken by the entities concerned with waste management in order to reduce solid waste products and ensure optimal disposal and recycling of wastes in an efficient and effective manner.

Different audit methodologies were adopted by the participating countries. SAI Sudan and SAI Oman assessed the role of auditees in the management of solid waste. For example, SAI Kuwait evaluated projects related to the management of solid waste and risk management assessment on stakeholders. The SAI of Oman performed a KPI assessment to evaluate operating companies.

The consolidated report was prepared under the supervision of the Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI).

Source: Kindly shared by ARABOSAI

Report ID: 381

A Comissão Técnica Especial sobre o Ambiente (COMTEMA) da Organização das Instituições Superiores de Auditoria da América Latina e Caraíbas (OLACEFS) realizou a segunda edição da Auditoria Coordenada sobre Áreas Protegidas, entre 2019 e 2020. ( ver o resumo da primeira edição https://intosai-cooperativeaudits.org/catalog/report/coordinated-audit-of-protected-areas-1st-edition-executive-summary).

A auditoria foi coordenada pelo Tribunal Federal de Contas (TCU-Brasil) e teve a participação de Instituições Superiores de Auditoria (ISC) de 17 países: 15 da América Latina e das Caraíbas e 2 da Europa: Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Equador, Espanha, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Paraguai, Peru, Portugal e República Dominicana. Além disso, 9 Instituições Subnacionais de Auditoria - 8 tribunais de contas estatais brasileiros na região amazónica e um tribunal de contas provincial argentino - participaram na auditoria.

A auditoria teve o apoio do Comité de Capacitação (CCC) do OLACEFS para o ciclo de formação, e foi também apoiada pela Cooperação Alemã através da GIZ, no âmbito do Projecto Regional de Reforço do Controlo Externo na Área Ambiental.

Esta segunda edição da Auditoria Coordenada sobre Áreas Protegidas (ACAP), teve como objectivo avaliar o nível de implementação e gestão das áreas protegidas dos países da América Latina, Caraíbas e Península Ibérica, bem como o progresso destes países no cumprimento do Objectivo 11 de Aichi no âmbito da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica (CDB) e dos Objectivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) 14 e 15 da Agenda para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável de 2030. 

Foi utilizado o Índice de Implementação e Gestão de Áreas Protegidas (Indimapa). Permite a avaliação de áreas protegidas em três escalas de implementação e gestão (baixa, média e alta) por meios ou 13 indicadores, que são avaliados de acordo com uma escala de 0 a 3.

Dos 17 países participantes, 11 também participaram na primeira edição da auditoria coordenada, realizada em 2014 e 2015, que forneceu os dados de base para a análise comparativa dos progressos e retrocessos na implementação e gestão das áreas protegidas.

Quelle: https://portal.tcu.gov.br/biblioteca-digital/auditoria-coordenada-em-areas-protegidas-2-edicao.htm

Report ID: 382

La Comisión Técnica Especial de Medio Ambiente (COMTEMA) de la Organización de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores de América Latina y el Caribe (OLACEFS) realizó la segunda edición de la Auditoría Coordinada sobre Áreas Protegidas entre 2019 y 2020. ( véase el resumen de la primera edición: https://intosai-cooperativeaudits.org/catalog/report/coordinated-audit-of-protected-areas-1st-edition-executive-summary).

La auditoría fue coordinada por el Tribunal Federal de Cuentas (TCU-Brasil) y contó con la participación de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (EFS) de 17 países: 15 de América Latina y el Caribe y 2 de Europa: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal y República Dominicana. Además, participaron en la fiscalización 9 entidades fiscalizadoras subnacionales: 8 tribunales de cuentas estatales brasileños de la región amazónica y un tribunal de cuentas provincial argentino.

La auditoría contó con el apoyo del Comité de Creación de Capacidades (CCC) de la OLACEFS para el ciclo de formación, y también contó con el apoyo de la Cooperación Alemana a través de la GIZ, en el marco del Proyecto Regional de Fortalecimiento del Control Externo en el Área Ambiental.

Esta segunda edición de la Auditoría Coordinada de Áreas Protegidas (ACAP), tuvo como objetivo evaluar el nivel de implementación y gestión de las áreas protegidas en los países de América Latina, el Caribe y la Península Ibérica, así como el progreso de estos países en el cumplimiento de la Meta 11 de Aichi del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB) y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 14 y 15 de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. 

Se utilizó el Índice de Implantación y Gestión de Áreas Protegidas (Indimapa). Este permite evaluar las áreas protegidas en tres escalas de implementación y gestión (baja, media y alta) mediante 13 indicadores, que se evalúan según una escala de 0 a 3.

De los 17 países participantes, 11 también participaron en la primera edición de la auditoría coordinada, realizada en 2014 y 2015, que proporcionó los datos de referencia para el análisis comparativo de los avances y retrocesos en la implantación y gestión de las áreas protegidas.

Fuente: https://portal.tcu.gov.br/biblioteca-digital/auditoria-coordenada-em-areas-protegidas-2-edicao.htm

Coordinated Audit on “Transboundary movements of waste in the light of the Basel Convention provisions” by the Supreme Audit Institutions of Poland, Slovak Republic and Ukraine (2nd Edition)
Report ID: 390

The European Union has incorporated the Basel Convention into the Waste Shipment Regulation. It applies automatically and uniformly in the Member States of the European Union without the need for transposition into national law. The regulation is binding to all Member States in its entirety.

In  2007, the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia carried out a cooperative audit on transboundary movement of waste between their countries on compliance of international obligations in the management of hazardous waste across the borders of their states.

Taking into consideration some changes in the provision and in order to assess the state of implementation of recommendations included in the first audit, as well as assessing the scope of compliance with the provisions of the “Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal”, the SAIs of Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine agreed to re-conduct the joint international audit within the activities of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes.

The Coordinator of the audit was the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Poland. Period covered by the audit 2015 – 2019 Audits were conducted in Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine in the second half of 2019.

The audit objective was to assess the reliability and effectiveness of activities carried out by authorities responsible for transboundary movements of wastes, including within the international cooperation, in particular: y national authorities competent for auditing procedures applied in transboundary movements of wastes; y national environmental protection authorities competent for auditing entities that dispatch or receive wastes from other countries; y national authorities, in particular border authorities, customs services etc., in the scope of auditing the compliance of the notified type of wastes with the actual content of cargo transported across the border.

Source: https://www.nku.gov.sk/documents/10272/1542112/Final+report+Pol-Slo-Ukr-Ang+2021+v7.pdf

The report of the first edition of the audit is available at:  https://intosai-cooperativeaudits.org/catalog/report/joint-information-on-the-results-of-transboundary-movement-of-waste-between-ukraine-the-republic-of-slovakia-and-the-republic-of-poland-2004-2007-in-the-light-of-the-basel-convention

The national report issued by SAI Slovakia on this second audit is available at: https://intosai-cooperativeaudits.org/catalog/report/2019-final-report-transboundary-movement-of-waste-according-to-basel-convention

Managing interventions in case of sudden pollution in the Adriatic sea – International Parallel Audit
Report ID: 391

From November 2019 until June 2021, the Supreme Audit Institutions of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia conducted an international parallel audit on managing interventions in case of sudden pollution in the Adriatic Sea.

As a result, the SAIs signed a Joint statement addressing the urgency to adopt measures aimed at strengthening prevention and management response systems in the case of marine pollution. The environmental risk requires cross-border cooperation for emergency management to be implemented through the adoption of a common emergency response plan for all the States bordering the Adriatic Sea and the organisation of joint exercise programs.

The document is a compendium of short summaries of individual audit reports published by contributing SAIs. Full audit reports and other materials of each individual SAI can be found by following the links provided after each short summary.

Source: https://www.rs-rs.si/en/public-media/news/news/meeting-of-heads-of-supreme-audit-institutions-in-trieste-to-sign-a-joint-statement/